{Chapter 6.}

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Chapter 6: Story time

Clarity's Pov

Did I tell you that I hate Asha. I seriously hate that girl with a passion. I hated her smiled, her freckles, her innocent look, the way everyone loved her, I hated how she was so nice to me.

I glared at her from the back seat as she skipped out of the school building, hopped into the passenger seat and placed a big wet kiss on Lia's cheek.

I hate her so much. I hated her way before Lia and I got into the fight I just always felt like she wanted to take Lia away from me and I can't have that.

"Can I please spend the night at your house Lia? I don't want to go home tonight." Asha asked.

What the hell? Lia better say no.

"I dunno I would have to ask my dad, last time you spent the night, we woke him up." I notice Lia smirk.

I cleared my throat and Asha whipped her head around and grinned at me.

I will hate her until I drop dead and even after that I'll still hate her.

"Hi Clarity I haven't talked to you in so long!" She said.

That's because I don't want to talk to you.

"Yeah I know it's been a while." I rolled my eyes.

I heard Lia chuckle and  peer at me through the mirror for a quick second.

"Lia are you gonna cover your entire arms with tattoos?" Asha asked.

"No I'm done with my arms, I want to finish the one on my back and I want one behind my ear." Asha traced the tattoos on Lia's free arm.

Why was my house so far?!

Asha leaned forward and began planting kisses on Lia's neck and smirked into her neck.

Jealousy was filling me up and it was pissing me off.

"Cecelia stop the car." I snapped.

She pulled over and looked back at me with curiosity.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She asked.

"I think I'd rather walk the rest of the way home then watch you and your little pet make goo goo eyes at each other." I spat as I hopped out the car. I began walking home which surprisingly I wasn't that far from my house.

I didn't look back to see if they were still sitting there but I didn't care, I wasn't just going to sit there and watch as Asha had her tongue all on Lia.

Why the hell was I so jealous? Lia has dated plenty of girls before and I didn't have any problems with it, I think.

Probably because Lia and I are going through something and this is Asha's opportunity to steal Lia away.

I walked up to my doorstep and opened the door.

"Clarity is that you?" I heard my mother shout from the kitchen.

"Yeah." I grunted as I walked into the kitchen.

I sat at the kitchen table and put my head down.

"No heads on the table." My mother scolded.

My head shot up and I rested my elbows on the table and thought about Lia. She couldn't possibly be done with me, she can't be.

I stood up from the table and dialed her number.

"Hello?" She answered on the second ring.

"Can I please talk to you? Like just you and me over the phone without Asha anywhere in sight." I pleaded.

"I took Asha home since I wanted to be alone." She said.

Relief filled me and I walked upstairs and plopped myself onto my bed.

"You know Asha is pretty cool and wants to be your friend." She said annoyed.

"You know Amelia is pretty cool and wants to be your friend."I said back.

"She's fucking weird."

"And Asha's a fucking bitch."

"You haven't even tried to hang out with her how can you just call her insulting things like that?" Lia yelled over the phone.

"Well I'm sorry if I don't like your girlfriend who is trying to steal my best friend away from me!" I shouted back.

I heard a sigh over the phone. "Clarity are you jealous?"


"But why?"

I paused for a minute and thought about it. Why was I so jealous of Asha? She's gorgeous, great personality and most of all she has Lia's attention. Of course I'm jealous.

"I don't know." I finally said.

"Asha's not my girlfriend, if you haven't noticed I haven't been dating anyone for a while because I have my eye on someone." She said.

When Lia loved someone she loved them hard because she rarely likes of loved anyone. She mainly went out with people for distractions or just for the hell of it.

"Who?" I asked.

"Clarity I really don't want to have this conversation with you right now." She said.

"Lia please, I'm so sorry I hurt you I was just so hurt when I heard you both talking I just didn't know what to do. The thought of you lying to me or betraying me hurt my feelings and I was just in shock because...you're my best friend and I trust you with my life. Please don't shut me out." I pleaded.

There was a long silence over the phone and I knew she was thinking about what I said.

"Clarity I have to go and think about us I guess." She finally said.

"Ok bye." I whispered.

"Bye." She hung up and I threw my phone on the bed.

My phone began going off again and I picked it up.

"What?" I groaned into the phone.

"My boyfriend is throwing a party with alcohol and people and music tomorrow night if you are interested." Amelia said into the phone.

"I'm not interested Amelia." I said.

"Oh come on you have to go I like never see you anymore. I'm not much of a party all nighter and I really didn't want Damien to have the party because every Saturday night we have story time but I let him so we will have story time on Sunday." Amelia rambled.

Story time? Yea this girl was weird but I guess she brought out Damien's inner weirdo and he loved that.

"Story time?" I asked.

"Oh yes me and Damien pick a genre and make up little plots and conflicts and things. His favorite is the romance genre." She giggled.

"Alright Amelia I think I'll go but just for you." I smiled.

"Yay! I always knew story time brought friends closer to each other. Maybe you will join us one day?" She asked.

"Maybe. Listen I have to go, see you tomorrow."

"Oh my see you soon precious moon." I could practically hear her smiling.

I smiled and shook my head as I hung up the phone and laid there.

Will Lia be at the party too?

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