{Chapter 3.}

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                 Chapter 3: You bitch!

"Mother I'm home!!" I yelled as I entered the house with Nathan.

She walked out of the kitchen with her apron on and smiled.

"Hey Hun, how did the game go, did Lia win?" She asked excitedly.

My mom loved Lia with a passion, she was like another daughter to her and Lia loved that. After Lia confessed to her parents that she was gay her mother rejected her. Her mother was a very Christian woman and was very anti-same sex anything. Soon her parents argued a lot about how her mother began mistreating her and they got a divorce so Lia lived with her father who loved and accepted her but Lia never really had a mother figure.

That where my mom comes in.

"Of course they won, Lia is like the best volleyball player apart from her sister." I rolled my eyes.

My mom looked over my shoulder and frowned as she pushed her brunette hair out of her face.

"Hello Nathan." My mother said curtly.

"Mrs. Vanessa." He responded.

"Mom we are going upstairs, Lia should be arriving a little while later." I said quickly as I pulled on Nathan's hands.

"I'll be sure to give her a warm welcome!" My mother said cheerfully.

We went upstairs to my room and flopped onto the bed.

"I swear your mom has a crush on Lia or something." Nathan said.

"Ew no she just really likes Lia, I've been friends with her since like kindergarten and my mom has loved her ever since."

"How did you guys meet?"

"We were in the same class and this kid was bullying me and she sort of punched him." I giggled.

I heard the front door slam shut and footsteps in the living room.

"Think that could be your dyke friend?" Nathan asked as he laid down beside me.

"Didn't that dyke friend steal your girlfriend in 10th grade?" I said annoyed.

That shut him up.

There was quiet downstairs and I couldn't tell if that was my dad or Lia that walked into my house since Lia had a key to my house.

"Mom who was that?" I yelled down the stairs.


"Nathan come on." I beckoned him to follow me to the kitchen.

We walked down the stairs and I immediately heard my mother giggling in the kitchen.

I walked inside and I noticed my mother standing there by the stove with Lia standing next to her with her hand on her shoulder and holding cookies in her other hand.

She doesn't bake me cookies when I ask her to.

I noticed Lia whisper something into my mother's ear and she began to turn bright red.

Nope I refuse to watch my best friend flirt with my mother.

"Mom you never bake me cookies." I scowled.

They both turned around to look at me and I noticed Lia smirking at me.

"Oh well you had guest coming over so I decided to make some and I knew Lia loved sugar cookies." She smiled at Lia.

"Well I have to steal my best friend away so we can do homework." I rolled my eyes and grabbed Lia by her arm.

We got upstairs and flopped on my bed as I groaned.

Sleeping with my Best Friend? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now