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I decided to stay with Lia in the hospital since she couldn't leave and Abigail and her mother went down to the police station to get Alex.

"I just don't want anymore drama!" Lia shouted as she crossed her arms over her chest and huffed.

"It's okay, your mom will get Alex and look on the bright side, Nathan got his face pounded in." I tried to cheer her up.

"How bad was his face?" She asked as she looked up.

"It was worse than what you did."

"Im satisfied." She smiled and laid back down.

I studied her face, she still had some cuts and brusies on her face but she was still beautiful.

"The only person in the world who can get hit by a car and their face is still beautiful despite all the scars." I chuckled.

Poor choice of words.

Her mood instantly changed as she looked away from me and tried to cover her face from me.

"They aren't from the car." She said quietly.

The realization hit me, she got hit by the car because she ran into traffic, she ran into traffic because her father was drunk and abusing her and now he is in jail.

"My mom wants to press charges or get a restraining order on him but it's not his fault." Lia said as she fiddled with her fingers.

"Well it's not your fault either." I quickly said. I know where she was getting at, she was blaming herself again.

"Yes it is, if I wasn't who I am then none of this would've happened, my family wouldn't be so torn apart." She looked away from me.

I turned her head towards me and pushed her hair behind her ear.

I always wanted to do that to her, like in the movies.

I studied every inch of her face, every blemish, every scar, especially her eyes that had no light or joy in them right now.

"If you weren't who you are now then we might not have been best friends or even friends. We could of just been people we seen in the hallways in school and never talked to. You don't have to change yourself for anyone, not even your parents.

"You are you. You're a badass, everyone thinks your hot but your also caring, sweet and you just love love. If someone can't see that in you then fuck them." I explained to her.

She just sat there with her eyes wide, staring at me. She opened her mouth but immediately my phone began to go off.

"Hello?" I answered.

"The good news is that we got Alex out of jail." Abigail said happily.

"My dad is good friends with the sheriff so he'll make this all go away for me." I heard Alex in the background.

"Ah must be nice to be privileged." I shook my head.

"Right it's so nauseating." Abigail chuckled. She sounded so much like Lia saying that.

"Well I will meet you guys back at the house when im done visiting Lia." I said and then hung up.

Fuck how was I going to meet them with no car.

"Okay where were we?" I questioned.

"You were talking about how much of a turn on my personality is to you." Lia wiggled her eyebrows.

I rolles my eyes and shook my head.

"Lia I need you to promise me something."

"Anything for you baby girl." Lia winked.

"Promise me you will go to therapy."

Her face immediately got serious and she got up to pull me off the bed.

"I think your visit is over Clarity." She said as she struggled to pull me off the bed.

"Lia stop you have to rest, you can't strain your neck." I tried to get her to sit back on the bed.

"Okay so get out so I can lay down." She said sternly.

"Lia please." I pleaded as i grabbed her waost tp hold her still.

"I want to help you but there is only so much I can do, you need professional help." I looked down at her arms and noticed the faded self harm marks under her tattoos.

"I don't want help." She said as she sat down on the hospital bed.

"I remember when you got your first tattoo, it was the really big and colorful butterfly, I asked you why you decided to get that and all you said was 'I wanted to look at something prettier'." I said as I ran my hands over her arms, feeling a few scars.

"I don't want help from anyone your just making it worse right now!" She yanked her arm away and turned away from me.

"Im sorry Lia I just want to help." I said.

"Some battles need to be fought alone, sometimes I don't realize what im doing. I don't want to be treated like im sick or something I just... I don't know." She said.

"Cecelia it's time for you to take your medicine." The nurse walked in and smiled.

"Clarity the medicine knocks me out so you might as well leave." She sighed.

The nurse nodded in agreement and I turned to walk out the door.

"Ill see you later Lia." I walked out the door.

Sleeping with my Best Friend? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now