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3 years later.

"I'll see you tomorrow in class Clarity!" A group of underclass students waved to me as we left the lecture hall.

"See you tomorrow! Don't be late this time!" I waved back as I walked in the opposite direction towards the on campus apartments where I stayed. I slung my book bag over my shoulder as I plugged my earphones into my ears and quietly walked home, humming to the tune of my music.

It had been three years since I started college and honestly it had been a unique journey for me, some good moments and some bad. Some so bad to the point where I nearly dropped out but I kept pushing to my goals. Now I was a year away from earning my undergraduate and that much closer to becoming a psychologist. Studying the human mind and behavioral patterns taught me not only about others but a lot about myself.

It helped me do a lot of soul searching within myself and took time to truly understand myself. I humbled myself a little more.

If only Lia were here to see how much I had grown.

The first year apart we tried our hardest to stay in contact as much as possible but it was nearly impossible with our different schedules and eventually we stopped all contact with each other to focus on our college lives. The last I heard of her was college volleyball was 10x more rigorous than high school volleyball, she had to train her hardest and be her best in order to keep her scholarships. She managed to find a new therapist that was more promising than her last one and she made sure to fit in her appointments.

That was the last I really spoke to her, I at least hoped she was doing well and hoped she didn't forget about me because she never left my mind.

I reached the apartment complex and reached my door, I knocked on the door and after a few moments the door opened revealing a shirtless Alex grinning at me.

"Forgot your key again?" He chuckled as I pushed him out of the way to enter the apartment.

"Shut up loser, you know I always forget my keys," I rolled my eyes as I threw my backpack into the corner and collapsed onto the couch, sighing loudly.

Since Alex and I were going to the same college it seemed to strengthen our relationship and pull us closer together. So close that in our second year we decided to get an on campus apartment together and split the rent, of course that meant we both would have to get jobs but in the end it worked out fine because Alex ended up being a pleasant house mate.

He was only occasionally annoying.

"Why are you shirtless anyway? Go put some clothes on," I shooed him away, running my fingers through my now short hair that was cut to a chin length bob.

"Well I live here too and the a/c is broken, I called the maintenance guy but he hasn't come by yet, I think he'll only come around when you're home cause he has a crush on you," Alex shrugged his shoulders as he walked into the kitchen.

"Fuck that, he's so old and creepy," I groaned, rubbing my temples.

"Are you doing anything this afternoon? Any tutoring or clubs or anything at all?" Alex asked as he walked back into the living area with two cups of iced tea in his hand. He handed me one and sat down beside me.

I looked around the apartment and noticed it was unusually tidy than it normally was, he would have his little things lying around here and there but it actually seemed like he cleaned up the place.

"Having company over? Specifically a girl?" I questioned as I jabbed my finger into his arm.

"No, you know I haven't been talking to girls much ever since Abigail broke up with me," He said with slight disappointment in his voice.

Sleeping with my Best Friend? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now