{Chapter. 49}

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(This is not the last chapter)

It was graduation day at our high school.

The day all of us were excited for and dreaded for at the same time. It was a time where only the strongest friendships lasted after this point and many died out as everyone met new people and created new friendships along their journey in life.

To me that was absolutely terrifying.

"Clarity come on you kids have to be at you school earlier than us so you can sign year books and make sure your ceremony goes smoothly," My mother called from downstairs as her and my father waited patiently for me.

I looked in the mirror at myself, I decided to wear a dress this time, it was just a simple yellow sundress underneath my silver gown. My hair was down and straight just so that the cap would be able to sit on my head without any complications.

"By August you're going to be a college student, your life might change from here on out," I said to myself in the mirror.

"That's correct," I heard my mother's voice behind me, I turned around to see her standing in my bedroom doorway just staring at me with a smile on her face.

"My little girl is growing up, I can't believe it," She sniffled as I noticed she tried to hold back tears.

"Mom don't cry, Lia's gonna beat me up if she finds out I made you cry," I said jokingly as I walked toward her and hugged her.

"I know I know it's just, I watched both of you grow up so fast before my very eyes, you'll just always be my little girl," She smiled, trying extremely hard to hold back her tears.

"Mom you can cry when I walk up on stage, don't ruin your makeup right now," I said as I patted her back.

"You're right I'm being silly right now and I'm wasting makeup," She said as she broke away and began patting at her face to fix her makeup.

"I just hope that Lia is alright," I muttered to myself but my mother caught every word.

"Honey I think you did the most correct and responsible thing," She smiled at me.

*Flashback to that night at the carnival*

"Clarity...I want you to officially be my girlfriend," Lia asked with full confidence in her voice.

I hesitated for a moment, I knew what I wanted to say, I wanted her to be mine and I never wanted to let her go.

"Lia...I can't do it," I finally admitted.

She looked at me for a moment, a million emotions flashing across her face as she tried to process what she had just heard.

Let's face it, Lia has never been rejected before, she was always the one doing the rejecting.

"Explain, I thought we were making progress. I thought you wanted to be with me? Is it because we are going to schools far away from each other? I told you that I can travel as much as possible to see you I just don't understand-" I held my finger to her mouth and shook my head.

"That's exactly why I think we should hold off on being in an exclusive relationship with each other, I love you so much romantically but also as a friend and I know you feel the same about me but I know you and I know that if we get into a relationship in the current state that you are in than all of your progress that you have gone through will go down the drain. You'll out me before yourself leaving unattended feelings and emotions that need to be dealt with alone," I explained as I took a deep breath to calm my nerves.

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