{Chapter 8.}

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Chapter 8: Wasted

Nope I wanna go home, this was a terrible mistake.

"Oh my gosh Amelia I can't do this, take me back home." I said nervously.

"Too late lovely we are already here!" She said with excitement.

We pulled up to a giant house with booming music and kids crowding around the lawn and inside dancing.

Of course Damien is set in such a cliché way.

We got out the car as Amelia parked and I noticed that Amelia only had on jeans and a tee shirt.

"Come on Clarity just have some fun." She grabbed my hand and led me inside of the house.

I scanned around the house to see if Lia was around and sadly I didn't see her, all I saw were a bunch of drunk teenagers dancing, kissing and doing whatever all around the house.

"Im gonna go find Damien, have fun!" Amelia shouted over the blasting music.

There I was, standing awkwardly in front of a raging high school party.

I shrugged and began walking around the house trying to find something to do.

"Hey there." Someone said behind me.

I turned around and noticed Damien smiling down at me with a drink in his hand.

"Hey yourself, this is some party." I smiled as I hugged him.

I loved how Damien wasn't the cliché football captain you normally hear in books. He was quiet, he was fun, nice and very loyal to his girlfriend which was Amelia.

"Yeah I figured we all needed a bit of fun, have you seen Amelia?" He asked as he looked around.

"Yeah she just walked away a few seconds ago." I pointed to the door.

"Thanks, oh and Lia is over there if you're looking for her." He said as he passed me a cup and walked away.

I looked around and finally noticed Lia in the corner talking to some blonde bitch from the cheerleading squad.

My heart sank as she leaned close to her ear and whispered as the girl blushed and giggled.

Lia had on black skinny jeans that hugged her bottom, white v neck tee shirt that showed her cleavage and a stylish blazer on with a pair of high top vans.

She looked delicious...in a non weird way but she looked great and she looked so unreachable.

She looked up to make slight eye contact with me and then went back to flirting with the blonde bimbo.

I turned away and gulped down the drink that Damien gave me and realized it was some kind of strong alcohol.

I speed walked carefully into the kitchen for more because I wasn't going to let Lia ruin my night. I poured more and more into my cup until I began feeling the affects of the alcohol.

Fuck drinking responsibly I was going to get wasted.

Lia's POV

I want to know who the hell decided to bring Clarity to this damn party? She fucking hates parties but yet here she is looking irresistible.

"How could your boyfriend neglect such a beautiful girl." I whispered in Jasmine's ear.

She was a junior and a cheerleader. I heard her boyfriend wasn't treating her right so I thought I would use her as a distraction.

She looked down and blushed as she giggled.

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