{Chapter 10.}

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Sam Smith's sweet voice began filling my room as my phone continued to ring.

"Hello?" I answered with a raspy voice from just waking up.

"If you're not down here in my car in 10 minutes, I'm leaving you and you will find your own way to school." Lia's impatient voice filled my ears.

"Oh um okay bye." I hung up and hopped out of bed.

So were Lia and I on good terms? She was now driving me to school so does this mean we are fine?

I quickly rushed my clothes on and threw my hair up in a messy bun.

I rushed down the stairs and kissed my mother on the cheek.

"I won't be home tonight I got called in by a client, make sure you are home." She scolded at me.

No my mother wasn't a full time stay at home mother, she was a photographer and occasionally did beauty makeup but that wasn't much.

"I will come straight home after school." I saluted her as I ran out of the house and straight toward Lia's car.

I got in the passenger side and turned to Lia who looked like shit.

She slight dark bags under her eyes. Her hair was ruffled around and unkempt, she had a tired look to her and she had on a baggy hoodie, I knew she had a fight with her mother.

"Oh no what happened this time?" I asked as I rubbed her back.

"Abby must have left something at home because my mother popped up at the door unexpected. She saw me and she lost it." She sniffled as she pulled away from my house.

"Well what did she say?" I asked.

"She says and I quote 'Hello Cecelia Im surprised your father hasn't thrown you out of the house for your sins since nothing can save you from the fiery pits of hell. That's where all whores who can't be saved burn away.'" Lia chuckled.

"What did your dad do?"

"He just yelled at her and kicked her out the house while Abby apologized and grabbed whatever she needed. He took me out for ice cream like he used to do when mum said hurtful things when I was little."

She smiled as she stepped on the gas, rushing past cars.

We pulled up to the school as she slammed on the brakes making us both jerk forward.

"Lia pay no mind to that horrible woman, none of those things are true. But you need to learn how to drive." I smiled and patted her back.

She smiled at me and laughed.

"Its funny how last week you called me a whore and now you're saying it's not true."

We got out of the car and headed inside of the building.

"Lia I was mad, people say stupid things when they are mad." I shrugged.

"Yeah whatever."

The bell rang signaling it was lunch time. I walked into the cafeteria with Lia and noticed Amelia wasn't sitting at our usual table.

"Clarity you can sit with me if you want, Amelia isn't here today." Lia said.

"Where is she?" I asked.

She looked at me hesitantly and then shook her head.

"You might wanna talk to Damien about that, it's none of my business." Lia said quickly.

Maybe she was sick or something, I just hope she is okay.

I hesitantly walked over to Lia's group of friends and sat down next to Lia closely.

"Well shit if it isn't little miss Clarity, she never sits with us." Justin Pike said, one of the more popular kids.

I ignored him and lowered my head.

"Leave her alone Justin, no one wants to hear your shit." Lia rolled her eyes.

"I'm just saying, didn't she call you a whore last week?" He shrugged.

"Blow me." Lia stuck her middle finger up at him.

"Do you want food?" Lia asked me as I felt her hand slide across my back causing my nerves to jolt just a bit.

"No I'm not hungry." I said silently.

She looked at me for a moment to see if I would change my mind and gave my side a squeeze as she got up to get food.

"Clarity how are you not lesbian when your best friend is oozing sex appeal?" Justin asked.

"Because I'm not into girls, as simple as  that." I shrugged.

"Leave her alone you fucking asshole you're obviously making her uncomfortable." Alex Miller punched him in the arm.

"What makes me uncomfortable is that the damn Summers girls are both off limits, Lia likes pussy and she'll break anyone's nose if they even go near her sister plus her sister has a weirdo boyfriend, popularity means nothing these days." Justin whined.

"Oh please even if Lia wasn't gay or Abby didn't have a boyfriend they wouldn't be going for you." Asha smirked.

I didn't realize she was over here until she talked which annoyed me because she was on the opposite side of Lia.

"Come on man you wouldn't want to fuck Lia she's like a bro to us and that's just weird." Alex cringed.

"Still talking about getting in my pants Justin?" Lia asked as she came over with two trays of food.

She sat one down in front of me and then sat down between Asha and I.



Alex and Justin said at the same time.

"Sorry Justin unless you have this between your legs I'm not doing shit for you." She put a V up in front of her and wiggled her tongue between it causing Asha to hit her and both Alex and Justin to laugh.

"Where the hell is everyone else at? Matt? Damien? Kyle? Maddy?" Lia asked.

"Maddy and Kyle have lunch detention, Matt is like doing a project or something maybe fucking someone in a closet and you know where Damien is." Alex said.

Just then Damien walked through the doors with a tired expression.

"I don't believe you weren't hungry so I bought you food anyway." Lia smiled at me causing me to get distracted from Damien.

Being up close to Lia maybe me realize that she was even more gorgeous, her stormy grey eyes had a hint of blue in them, she had a few freckles across her nose and I couldn't help but stare down at her plump lips. I just wanted to lean over and...

"Well look who we have here." I was snapped out of my trance by a voice talking.

I looked up and saw Damien sat down with the same sad expression from yesterday.

"Damien is Amelia fine? Why didn't she come to school?" I asked immediately.

He looked at me with a pained expression.

"She's fine physically but..." He paused.

"But what?" I asked impatiently.

"Amelia broke up with me because that night at the party I got drunk and slept with someone else."


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