{Chapter 45.} Explicit

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"Alright well that was a little too intimate for my liking," Lia said as her, Alex and Amelia came walking back to the table, everyone else piling onto the dance floor as the Dj changed the song.

"You guys were so cute together though," Asha said as she clasped her hands together and looked at Lia in awe.

"Yeah well now I wanna go and be cute with someone else in mind," Lia sat down next to me and moved closer so that she could wrap her arms around my waist, snuggling into my side.

"Oh geez go do that somewhere else will you," Maddy said as she stood and made her way with Asha towards the dance floor.

I looked down at my phone and noticed it was getting pretty late.

"Clarity let's go take our prom pictures and get out of here, I'm getting a headache from all this music," Lia groaned as she began pulling my arm towards the photo booth. I turned back to Alex and Abigail as I waved to them both and smiled.

"I think this is it for tonight so we'll catch you guys tomorrow," I shrugged my shoulders.

Alex winked as he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I blushed, reading what Lia truly meant when she said she wanted to get out of here. We walked over to the photographer where Lia pushed off towards the backdrop while she spoke with the photographer. My eyes couldn't help but roam her body, it wasn't because she was wearing a dress, it wasn't because her hair was done even when it normally wasn't. It wasn't even because she was wearing makeup.

Even without all of those things I would still stare at Lia like she was the most beautiful person because in my eyes not only was she beautiful physically but mentally, and emotionally. She was so strong in my eyes but she was also fragile and delicate and that's what made her beautiful.

"Stop staring at me dork and stare at the camera," I snapped out of my daze to see walking towards me as the photographer readied his camera.

"Should I put my hands on your hips then?" I asked but she got behind me and held me tight around my waist.

"What's your obsession with being the top, you don't even know how to lead me," Lia chuckled .

"Actually could you two switch so that she's behind you so that we can see your dress?" The photographer asked as he stood up.

"No," Lia said blankly.

"Well this is a bit untraditional-"

"I'm fucking lesbian, everything about me is untraditional so take the fucking picture and stop being a prude," Lia snapped.

"I'm sorry," He quickly mumbled before getting his camera ready and instructing us on how to pose. We took couples photos and both individual photos and before we knew it we were easily bombarded by Alex, Abigail, Justin, Amelia and the others as they came rushing into our picture.

"You thought the night was going to end without getting a group picture? I'm honestly hurt," Justin said as he held his hand over his heart.

"I don't want losers in my photos," Lia stuck her tongue out as she attempted to walk away but Justin grabbed her by her waist and hoisted her up in his arms as everyone got into position for the photo.

"Pike! Put me down you asshole!" Lia laughed as she smacked the top of his head.

We all pushed each other around as we all struggled to get into the picture until the photographer was finally able to capture the entire group with Justin holding up the prom queen in his hands, Abigail kissing the prom king and everyone making faces and giggling at each other. I couldn't help but look at all of them and smile, these were some of the people that truly made Lia happy, that actually cared about her well being. She needed to be around more people like this and less people like her parents.

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