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Guys I just wanna say I never intend for any of my books to get so many readers, most of the time I make stories because I like writing and I like writing about different things, I just want to say thank you so much for reading my story/stories it means so much to me that you guys are willing to read the junk I produce.

"She's pregnant?!" I asked loudly.

How was that possible? I thought she couldn't get pregnant.

"She's having a miscarriage." Her mother said sadly.

"Wait she's losing the baby?!" I began breaking down hysterically.

"She lost the baby already, a nurse walked in and noticed that she was bleeding and she was breaking out in a fever. They've been in there almost all day." She explained.

There were too many things running through my mind right now.

Lia was pregnant with Nathan's baby which is why he was so concerned but maybe her body was rejecting the baby or her having something to do with being infertile made her have a miscarriage. I honestly didn't know what to think.

Well I was happy that my best friend and future girlfriend wasn't having the baby of someone who raped her but im pretty sure when she wakes up she will be devestated.

"How the hell is Lia pregnant? I thought she was gay?!" Abigail looked around bewildered.

Again, Alex and I looked at each other knowing the truth. Well at least I knew the full truth.

"Lets just say she had one non gay experience." Alex said slowly.

"You mean she was fucking raped." I muttered but Mrs. Summers seemed to catch every word.

"What do you mean my daughter was raped?!" She practically yelled at me.

"Wait what?" Alex said confused.

"Alex he took advantage of her when she was vulnerable and forced himself onto her." I said to him.

"Lord forgive me but what son of a bitch hurt my daughter?" Her mother said angrily.

Everything was happening all at once and I didn't know what to do.

"That wasn't Clarity's right to tell you that so I think you should hear it from Lia." Alex said.

"But she doesn't accept the fact that she was, she doesn't want to accept the fact that he made her feel weak." I said as tears began escaping my eyes.

The doctor walked up to us with a saddened expression.

"Mrs. Summers we've finally been able to stop the bleeding, we'll have to do an ultrasound to see what's happening. You're daughter does have a infertility problem, that doesn't mean she can't have children but it will be extremely hard for her to have children and she could possibly deal with more miscarriages in the future." The doctor explained.

Lia had a miscarriage. Who knows how she will react when she hears the news, will she be devastated or will she be happy? I don't think any woman would be happy about that.

"Unfortunately we can't have anyone visit her at the moment."

I didn't know what to say, I had to walk away. I picked up my phone and called one person I never wanted to call ever again.

Hello?" Nathan answered the phone.

"She lost the baby you fucking prick." I snapped through the phone.

"Wait what?! Are you serious?" He said shocked.

"Haha no I'm joking it's all a joke, of course I'm serious you dumbass." I hung up the phone.

Alex walked over and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"If I can't visit Lia today then I might as well go home and finish her college apps." I said.

I waited in the front lobby for Alex to finish talking to Abigail.

She's pregnant.

Correction, she WAS pregnant. That's actually pretty sad to hear if you think about it.

"Come on Clarity I'm gonna take you home." Alex said as he rubbed my back.

I nodded my head and remained silent as we walked to his car. What would happen when she wakes up? When will she wake up?

How will she react?

Will she be in pain?

We remained silent all throughout the car ride, both unsure of what to say honestly. A lot was thrown on us today.

"Im confused." Alex finally said.


"There is no way Lia was raped, she never talked like she was raped." Alex said.

"She never talked about it at all, she doesn't accept the fact that she was raped. She rather blame herself entirely than believe she was raped." I tried to explain.

"But why didn't she tell anyone?"

"SHE.DOESN'T.BELIEVE.SHE.WAS.RAPED." I said loudly for Alex for him to better understand.

"Im still confused." Alex said.

Shut the fuck up Alex.

"She rather be called a whore than a rape victim." I rolled my eyes at him.

"But like she never showed signs that she was raped." He said.

"We don't know what she has done behind closed doors." I said quietly.

Except cut herself sadly.

"If her dad is in jail then she's gonna have to live with her mother Clarity, do you think her mom will start up her bullshit again when she gets better?" He questioned.

I just shrugged my shoulders and looked out the window. I really wanted Lia to live with me, everyone in my house loves her and she would never be hurt again. She could share a bed with me or she could take the guest bedroom.

I didn't want anyone else hurting her.

Sleeping with my Best Friend? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now