{Chapter. 36}

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"Thanks for picking me up, I seriously need to get a car." I hopped into the car and sighed.

"No problem, this feels like our normal thing anyway." Alex said as he smiled at me.

He still had bruises all over his face but his face still seemed stupidly handsome.

"So did you enjoy your visit with Lia?" He asked as we drove back to the Summer's house.

"She needs help." I shook my head.

"Yeah she's been through a lot but she just bottles it up and tries to forget it." He shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know what to do." I said.

"Well you have to make her realize that she is hurting and her hurting leads to her problem or addiction." Alex explained.

"She doesn't do drugs." I said stupidly.

"Oh my gosh Clarity what the actual fuck is wrong with you? Cutting is an addiction." He snorted.

"How do you know?" I asked him.

"Abigail tells me things." Alex shrugged.

"How long have you known?" I asked him.

"Don't you worry your pretty little head about that, what you need to worry about is your girlfriend in the hospital." He smiled at me.

I realized that in the few months I've known Alex, I feel like I consider him a best friend now, most people would think we are a little too close but we were obviously interested in two different people, more specifically the Summers girls.

"Alex are we best friends?" I asked.

"No I hate your guts." He stuck his tongue out at me.

Yup we were best friends.

We remained silent for the rest of the ride, my mind on Lia. She was hurting, more than she wanted to admit and just leaving her alone to her own thoughts was not an option. She didn't feel safe which I can't blame her, everyone of us has hurt in her some type of way.

She needed to know that no one will hurt her anymore and that we are all team Lia.

"INTERVENTION!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs causing Alex to slightly swerved.

"Stop screaming in my car woman, I don't wanna die!" Alex shot at me.

"We should do our own intervention for Lia, she can't keep bottling these things up for she's gonna explode violently." I explained.

"Well you can't explode non violently." Alex chuckled.

"Come on I'm being serious." I said seriously.

"Okay okay so us, her mother, Asha-" i cut him off as he parked in front of Mrs. Summers house.

"Definitely not Asha." I said with a stern look.

Alex looked at me with wide eyes. "Asha definitely cares about Lia, if she didn't she wouldn't have visited her in the hospital."

"She is never allowed to visit Lia in the hospital, Lia wants me not her!" I shouted.

"Fucking psychopath." I heard Alex mumble under his breath.

"Alex Im serious, I never truly understood why I didn't like Asha but it was because she was everything I wish I was, she's beautiful, she's kind, she has so many friends and most importantly she had Lia's attention, I feel like she's always wanted Lia to herself." I said sadly.

"Oh my gosh Clarity do you hear yourself? Ive known Asha almost as long as Ive known Lia. Lia seduced Asha, Asha never wanted anything to do with Lia, of course they've had their ummm 'private moments together' but they were never exclusive, they were just a distraction for each other but they are strictly friends. Asha isn't trying to take Lia from you, she knows Lia has had a crush on you for forever she just assumed you only liked guys." Alex explained.

"But she's so beautiful!" I said.

"If Lia wanted her she would have already dated her! She wouldn't even think about messing with you. Besides, Asha has a clingy problem." Alex shrugged.

I still didn't like Asha but I guess she can join the intervention if it will help Lia.

"I guess she can be apart of it." I said like a stubborn child.

"Now how will this intervention help?" Alex asked.

"We all know Lia avoids anything that involves her emotions or feelings, we have to put her in a situation where she has to confront her emotions and reality, each of us, especially her mother and I have to tell her that no one is no longer judging her and then we all go get ice cream." I smiled.

"No no not ice cream, it's too soon." He quickly shook his head.

I then remembered that Lia's father would take her out to get ice cream whenever her mother said something hurtful to her....... and now her father is in jail.

Well there's always pizza or something.

"You know if we do this intervention thing, Lia will still explode and it won't be pretty." Alex finally said.

"What do you mean?"

"You want her to express her feelings and emotions, the good AND the bad, im pretty sure there is some negative feelings she has for all of us, especially her mother." Alex said.

I thought about that for a second. I wanted her to understand reality, understand and accept what's she's been through and just seek help, no matter what happens it's all for Lia. She was a beautiful, strong woman who didn't deserve to be hurt any longer.

"Im ready for it, are you worried?" I asked him as we finally got out of the car.

"I mean kind of, we've had our ups and downs and she will definitely spill our downs but at the end of the day Lia is my bro, possibly even one of my best friends so I'll do anything to help her." We walked up to the steps and rang the doorbell.

"Hi Clarity!" Abigail answered the door and hugged me.

"Hi Abby, is your mom home?" I asked as we stepped inside.

"Right here!" I heard her say from the kitchen.

Alex wrapped his arm around her shoulders as she wrapped her arms around his waist and they embraced each other.


Yes she was 16 and he was 18 but it wasn't really that much of a difference, it seemed like they truly liked each other, maybe even loved.

"Hello Clarity dear how are you?" Mrs. Summers came up and hugged me.

I awkwardly hugged her back and looked down at the floor.

"Mrs. Summers, Clarity wanted to explain something to you." Alex said for me.

She beckoned for me to sit down on the couch as she sat down next to me and Alex and Abigail sat on the floor with each other.

"I was thinking we have a type of intervention for Lia, she needs help and she's been through so much, all of us could just sit in this room and tell her how we feel and help her to understand that she's been through a lot and needs help." I explained.

"Needs help with what exactly?" Her mother asked.

I hesitated, it wasn't my business to tell her mother what Lia does behind closed doors.

"I think it's best if she told you that herself." I said as I looked down at the ground.

"Lord have mercy." I heard her mutter to herself.

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