{Chapter 9.}

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Chapter 9: Did I just sleep with my best friend?

Clarity POV

I woke up to the sun shining in my face and groaned.

I had a massive headache from last night, that's it I'm not drinking anymore because right now I feel like shit.

I looked around and noticed that I was in a random room in a strangers bed.

I flipped over and became face to face with my black haired best friend so I did the only thing that seemed reasonable...I screamed.

Yes Lia was a lesbian and liked to flirt with me but I would of never thought she would make a move on me.

Did I just sleep with my best friend?

Lia immediately shot up and looked around frantically.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? What happened?" She asked me continuously.

I looked down at myself and also realized that I was naked.

"YOU-" I stopped myself before I could say anything regrettable, maybe what I think didn't happen at all.

"What happened last night?" I asked.

"You were drunk last night, guys tried to make moves on you so I took you upstairs for your own safety." She explained.

"Did anything happen last night?" I asked cautiously as I held the blanket tighter.

"No we didn't fuck or anything if that's what you're referring to. You kept complaining it was hot until you took all your clothes off so I hid you under the covers." She looked at me weirdly.

Now that I think about it I kind of do remember being super hot and taking my clothes off then...kissing Lia?

I kissed Lia.

I kissed Lia.

I kissed Cecilia Beatrice Summers and she pushed me away, now that I think about it that actually hurts.

"So we didn't do anything at all?" I asked again.

"Clarity just put your damn clothes on so we can leave, your mother and father are worried about you." She insisted.

I quickly zoomed around the room to quickly put my clothes on as Lia left. I totally forgot all about my parents and now they are gonna kill me. I raced out of the room with my shoes in my hand and noticed Lia talking to Damien in the hallway.

"Lia I'm ready." I said quietly.

Both Damien and Lia turned to me and I noticed Damien frowning, this guy never frowns.

"Come on get in the car, we don't want you getting into anymore trouble." She said annoyed.

I followed her down the stairs with my head down, kind of embarrassed.

We got into Lia's car silently as she started the car and I looked out the window.

"Lia can we talk about last night?" I asked finally.

It was bothering me so much that Lia didn't care about what happened last night.

"What's to talk about? You came to the party, got drunk irresponsibly and end of story." She shrugged.

"Lia I kissed you last night and you're just gonna shrug that off?" I asked.

She sighed. "Yes you did kiss me last night because you were drunk and that's things drunk people do."

"But did you enjoy it?" I asked quietly.

She stopped in front of my house and turned to me.

"Clarity you're not fucking gay! I'm not the type of person who likes to try to 'turn' girls into something their not. If this is your way of trying to get back to good terms it's not helping it's just sending me mixed feelings so I think you should get out, your mother is waiting for you." She said.

I nodded my head and quietly got out of the car. The moment I shut the door she sped off leaving me alone.

I walked through my front door as soon as I shut the front door I heard my mother scream my name.

"CLARITY!!" She shouted from the dining room.

I quietly walked into the dining room to see my mother and father sitting down at the table. 

"I said party responsibly not, go ahead and get drunk so much you can't call your parents or anything! I'm glad Lia was the responsible one and called us to tell us you were spending the night!" My mom began going off.

"Clarity we didn't know what was going on we were worried." My father sighed.

"I know I'm sorry." I said with my head down.

"You're grounded for a month, you can't go anywhere, have anyone over just go to school and come straight home." My mother said as she calmed down.

"Okay thank you mom." I said as I made my way up the stairs.

I threw my phone on my bed and plopped down with a sigh.

My phone began going off and I noticed Lia texting me.

'How did they take it?'

So I guess we are on texting terms then.

'Good, if you want to call getting grounded for a month good'

'Ehh you deserve it anyway'

'And your and asshole'


I smiled since our relationship was slowly going back to the way it was but I know it will take a while for it to get back to normal.

I decided to hop into the shower since I smelled like alcohol and sweat. I walked into the bathroom in the hallway with my towel and turned the water onto warm.

I let the water run down my back as my mind began to wander. Suddenly Lia popped into my head. Not how I see her normally but differently, I never realized this but Lia was the literal definition of sexy. The way her body was so curvy, the look in her eyes when she looked me up and down. Her skin was so perfect with all of her scars from her tattoos, fighting, classes etc and yes she didn't expose her skin much but my mind began to picture in nothing but her underwear.

I kept my eyes closed and bit my lip as a tingly sensation began to form in my lower region, my hands slowly made my way down my body...

"Clarity!!!" There was a bang on the bathroom door and a shout.

"Ill be out in a minute!" I shouted back as my eyes widened.

I quickly turned the water off and wrapped myself in the towel. I quickly walked to my room and sat on my bed in shock.

I almost touched myself thinking about Cecelia, my best friend since forever and I've never really thought about anyone else in that way until now.

I've actually never thought about another girl like I just did.

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