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Lia's POV

One week later.

"It feels good to finally be out of that damn hospital." I said as Alex helped me walk towards his car.

"I bet it does." Alex chuckled.

"I still can't believe my mother is throwing me a party, after all the bullshit she puts me through, now she cares because I almost died." I huffed as I yanked my arm away from Alex and hopped into the car.

"Well at least now she's trying." Alex shrugged as he turned on the car.

"It shouldn't take for me to almost die for her to start trying." I shook my head.

I snatched his Dr. Pepper out of his hand and began gulping it down.

"Ugh go back in the hospital you damn thief." He grumbled as I threw the empty bottle at him.

"Fuck off you know you missed me." I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

"Yeah I kind of did, it kind of seemed empty at school without you. It wasn't the same without your obnoxious comments and ways." He looked over at me with puppy eyes.

"Alright alright no emotional shit, and those eyes don't do anything for me, Alexander Miller you're just not my type." I patted his cheek.

He looked away from me and drove away from the hospital.

Finally, I felt so trapped in that hospital, one moment Im running away from my father and the next moment I wake up extremely sore in a hospital bed, I felt a bit isolated and that can do things to your brain.

"So whose going to be at this said party?" I asked Alex.

"Just a small group of people, your mother and Clarity wanted to keep it small." Alex explained.

"Why didn't Clarity come visit me this past week?" I asked.

I haven't seen Clarity since the last time she visited and it didn't end the greatest, she suggested I go to therapy and that was the last thing I need and wanted. Sure there have been a few troubles that I haven't been able to control but that doesn't mean I need therapy.

Yet there was still that tiny voice in the back of my mind telling me that everything was my fault and that im a fuck up.

"She's just been busy with some things." Alex snapped me back to reality.

We pulled up to my house and I excitedly looked outside. It wasn't decorated or anything.

"Eh someone didn't do a great job at decorating." I said as Alex walked around to help me out the car.

"All the fun is inside just you wait." Alex chuckled more so to himself.

My heart started to beat fast and an uneasy feeling grew in the pit of my stomach. Something didn't feel right but I didn't know what. Maybe it was the fact that I haven't stepped foot into my mother's house in forever, yeah maybe that was it. We walked up to the front porch and Alex pushed open the door. There was no food, no music or party happening what's so ever, the moment i stepped inside, everyone fell silent. Abigail, Clarity, my mother and Asha all sat in the living area and looked up at me.

Alex walked past me to sit next Clarity.

"What the hell is this because it obviously isn't a party." I folded my arms over my chest.

Clarity got up and grabbed my hand in hers.

"We all decided to have a sort of intervention for you." Clarity sighed.

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