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I woke up to a foggy cloud sky. Ironic because that's how I feel right now. I just really didn't understand Lia and right now all I wanted to do is get inside of her head and see what was going through her head.

My phone lit up and I noticed a unknown number sent me a text message.

~Hey this is Alex, need a ride to school?

I quickly texted him back and got out of bed. I'm guessing Lia isn't coming to school and has decided to avoid me today.

I hated when she did that.

I brushed my teeth and threw on some clothes, I heard a knock on the door so I only assumed it was Alex because he was the only person I knew that didn't just text me that he was outside.

I opened the door to reveal a not so smiley Alex.

"Are you okay?" I asked him as I stepped outside.

"What? Yeah yeah I'm just thinking about something." He said shaking his head.

I locked the door behind me and headed towards his car where I got into the passenger seat and buckled my seat belt.

"Where is Lia?" I asked Alex as he got into the car.

"She's not coming to school, she's going to a mini match for her MMA class." He responded and stuck his key into the ignition.

"Why didn't she just tell me that?" I asked a little annoyed now.

Its like Lia and I were growing farther apart the more I wanted to be with her and figure her out.

"I don't know, I don't understand half the shit Lia does."

We drove toward school in silence, obviously something was troubling both of us.

"Alex what's wrong?" I asked him finally.

"What do you mean?"

"Its just that you're not your usual goofy adorable self." I shrugged.

"I'm just not proud about what I'm doing right now but I'm far too deep to back out." He said quietly.

Sounds like something Amelia would say.

We pulled up to the school but before I could get out of the car, Alex stopped me.

"Clarity are we friends?" He looked me in the eyes and asked.

"I know we've only known each other for a little bit but I guess I do consider you a friend." I smiled.

"If something happens between Lia and I would you still be my friend?" He asked seriously.

"Alex where are you going with this? Why are you asking these things?" I questioned, he was starting to scare me.

"I may be doing things that might make Lia hate me." He sighed.

He looked so tired and defeated I felt sorry for him.

"Alex what did you do?" I pushed.

He chuckled and looked at me. " You love getting information out of someone."

Sleeping with my Best Friend? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now