{Chapter. 48}

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"Lia stop pushing me!" Justin said as he ran after Lia who giggled and ran off into the parking lot, away form the group. Alex, Lia, Asha, and I met up with Justin, Amelia, Maddy, and Kyle at the carnival parking lot with Matt and Damien meeting up a little later.

"Stop running around and acting like children," Maddy scolded as we all climbed out of our cars. Throughout our ride it remained silent except for Alex's and Lia's occasional bickering with each other but neither Asha and I said much of a word to each other except for hello.

"Let us live," Justin stuck his tongue out at Maddy as he turned around to stop chasing Lia.

"Oh my gosh I haven't been to a carnival in so long, I used to love it when my parents took me here," Asha said excitedly as she clapped her hands together and looked around in awe at all of the different rides and booth games.

"I got a sweet tooth for cotton candy," Alex said as we all walked together to catch up to Lia and Justin.

"Carnivals are such magical places, it makes time seem unreal and limitless," Amelia said as she twirled around in a circle, her dress spinning along with her as Justin looked over at her and smiled with admiration in his eyes. It was obvious that Justin was developing a bit of a forbidden crush on Amelia.

We all paid the admission fee and we all walked through the carnival, admiring all of the rides and all of the street foods that they had to offer.

"I wanna get on this ride that spins you around! Who wants to go with me?!" Lia asked excitedly as she pointed to the ride in front of us.

"ME!" Alex, Maddy, Justin and Kyle all shouted at the same time as they all ran forward to become first in line.

I knew it would be like this, Lia would run off with her friends, too busy having fun to worry about me but I wasn't upset about it, it gave me more time to think and it gave me more time to think about the thoughts swirling in my head.

"Not much of a carnival fan Matthew?" Amelia asked as she hopped next to Matt and looked at him with a curious expression.

I was always fond of the way Amelia was able to just be herself around anyone and everyone, it was almost like she didn't have a care in the world and she was able to approach anyone she wanted to and simply have a conversation with them.

"Not particularly, I'll get on the Ferris Wheel or something small but not rides like that," Matt pointed to the ride that all the others were currently waiting for.

"Clarity you seem to be lost in thought," Asha said as she walked next to me and smiled, this was the first time in the entire trip that Asha said much to anyone but then again she was more known as the quiet one of the group.

"Oh, um just thinking about some stuff on my mind," I said as I scratched the back of my neck.

I noticed a bench on the other side where we were able to still view the others get on the ride and I pointed towards it.

"Should we sit down?" I asked awkwardly.

"Oh yes I wouldn't mind at all," She said happily. Her curly hair was now up in a messy top knot, away form her face and showing off just how beautiful and slender her features truly were.

It mad eye question why Lia would ever choose someone like me instead of Asha and before I knew it I felt clouds of jealousy and insecurity swirling in my mind.

"It's been a while since we've all been together like this, makes me happy to see all my friends having fun, especially Lia," She smiled as she looked over at her friends, there was a twinkle in her eyes.

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