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We laid there for what seemed like forever. Just in silence, listening to each other's breathing.

We sat up as we heard the front door slam and footsteps stomping up the stairs.

"Cecelia what are you doing home so early?" There was a deep shout from the hallway. Lia nuzzled herself deeper into my arms as the door swung open revealing her father.

Lia was a carbon copy of her father, she adopted the same jet black hair and grey eyes that her father had, they even had the similar facial structure.

Except for the drunken look in his eyes.

"I didn't know you were bringing a guest over, shit." He cursed under his breath.

He turned around and walked out of her room.

I felt her tears soaking through my shirt as she gripped onto my arm with fear.

We heard a door slam at the end of the hallway and Lia sighed with relief.

"I don't want to be here right now, lets go somewhere else." She motioned for me to get off her so we could leave.

We headed downstairs and hopped into her car in silence.

"Now you know how fucked up my life is and it's all my fault." Lia said as she slammed her head against the steering wheel.

"Have you ever thought of leaving?" I asked.

"Clarity I don't have a job and I have no where to go, I can't just leave." She shook her head.

She was right, there was no where for her to go and that really made me mad, I didn't want her to stay in this family and get hurt even more.

"Come on we can go back to my house." I offered.

She nodded her head and pulled away from her house as we quietly headed towards my house.

"Lia I'm so sorry." I said as i thought.

Ive been stupid, I haven't been thinking and I hurt her in the process. I feel so terrible.

"For what?"

"I called you all those terrible things because I thought you slept with my boyfriend, in reality he raped you." I said quietly.

"Stop saying that, he didn't rape me." She hissed through her teeth as she gripped the steering wheel.

"Lia you said it yourself, stop denying it." I pushed.

It was easier to say that she slept with my boyfriend instead of admitting she got raped. She didn't want to accept it, no one wants to accept the fact that they were raped.

"Clarity stop that didn't happen to me! She screamed.

I stopped talking and looked down. She was in denial and there was nothing I could do to change her mind until she saw for herself.

I looked down at her arms again but instead of seeing the colorful art on her arms I could clearly see the pain behind it.

I grabbed her arm and looked at it carefully. Wherever there were tattoos, there were cuts including her wrists, I guess Abigail never saw those.

We pulled up to my house and sat in the car in silence.

"I'm so sorry Lia." I whispered.

"Stop apologizing." She said.

"I didn't know all this was happening to you." I said quietly.

"But I'm not asking you to pity me or give me any sympathy, right now I just want you to understand." Lia said.

She looked over my shoulder and immediately her face turned cold.

"This fucker...." She mumbled unter her breath.

I turned around and noticed Alex Miller who is supposed to be in school walking up to my front porch.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Lia snapped.

He rang the doorbell and turned around and began looking down the street. As if he could feel us staring he looked straight into the car and began turning bright red.

He sort of waddled off the front porch, unsure if he was able to walk to towards the car without being attacked.

"Heeyyy guys." He said uncomfortably as he scratched the back of his head.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't beat your ass right now." Lia threatened.

"I just came to check on Clarity, she wasn't in class." He said.

"Why do you even care? You've been getting a little too close to her a lot lately, first you fuck my sister now you want my best friend?!" She yelled.

She was obviously jealous and scared of Alex and I relationship but what she didn't understand was that I had no feelings toward Alex, it was only a friendship.

"Lia stop with the bullshit, I understand you're upset with the fact that I slept with Abby but what you don't understand is that I love her." Alex argued.

"You don't know what love is!" Lia shouted.

There was a silence, a very uncomfortable silence and I was in the middle of it.

"Lia you don't even know what love is, how can you love someone else or question someone about love when you can't even love yourself." I looked down and noticed his fist was balled up at his sides.

"Clarity I'll talk to you later." Alex said as he walked away.

"You won't talk to him later." Lia snapped.

"Lia please stop." I pleaded.

"Clarity I don't know what to do, the more I try, the more I fail." She collasped in her seat.

"Lia I'm here to help, I regret ever judging you, I just want to be there for you."

I looked up and noticed Lia rolling her eyes in a defeated expression.

"Clarity you don't need to help, I'm glad you're starting to see but I don't need your help."

There she goes again, pushing me away.

Sleeping with my Best Friend? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now