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"Oh my gosh it's little miss perfect here to sit with us again." Justin said as Lia and I walked towards the table.

"Shut up Justin now is not the time to be annoying." Lia rolled her eyes as she sat down.

As I sat down I felt somewhere staring hard at me and I looked up to see Maddeline Carter glaring at me.

"Come on the gangs all here! Except for Asha she didn't come to school." Justin said excitedly.

"Well I have to go to the gym soon and talk to the coach, I have a game today." Lia smirked.

"You just love breaking up the group don't you?" He grumbled.

"It will be 10 minutes, just take care of my best friend." She pointed to me and walked away.

It seemed as though Lia was avoiding me all day and I don't know if it was because of what I said this morning or something else but I didn't like it.

I felt awkward around all of Lia's friends because I never fit in with them so I put my head down and looked down at the table.

"Can someone tell me why she is sitting over here?" Maddeline asked.

"Not now Maddy, if you got a problem with her sitting here then talk to Lia." Alex interfered.

"No Clarity is a big girl we can have a conversation bitch to bitch." I heard her say.

I quickly looked up to see Maddeline smirking at me.

She was known for her bad attitude so I tended to stay away from her.

"Come on Maddeline what has she ever done to you?" Matt asked.

"Nothing to me personally but I just don't see what Lia see's in this girl to be her best friend, she threw a fucking plate at her."

"We both apologized so it's over." I snapped.

"There was no need for her to apologize." She huffed.

"She was the one that slept with my boyfriend, she knew how I felt about him and she still slept with him and didn't even tell me! They knew I never would have suspected Lia to do that because she is lesbian." I snapped back.

"Your ex boyfriend used you! He took advantage of Lia when she was low and vulnerable. You didn't help the situation when you agreed to not tell anyone you were dating until after they fucked!" Maddeline shot.

"So why didn't she tell me right when I told her we were dating?" I asked.

"Because she was scared of losing you, she talks a lot about you Clarity if you didn't know and the thought of losing you frightens her." Matt spoke up.

"We aren't trying to gang up on you Clarity, you seem cool but we just don't take disrespect and disrespecting Lia is like disrespecting us, we love Lia like she is family and we know how she is, she is scared of her own feelings and we just want to protect her." Justin said.

"I mean Lia still slept with a dude even though she's lesbian, anyone find that weird?" Alex muttered under his breath.

"I would appreciate it if you guys didn't talk shit about me when I'm not here." She smirked and placed a tray down in front of me.

"Please if I wanted to talk shit about you I would do it to your face." Maddeline rolled her eyes.

"I thought I told you guys that situation is over, stop talking about it." Lia scolded.

"I mean it's just not fair-"

"Maddy shut up you don't understand what happened just drop it." Lia said as she caressed my thigh making my face heat up.

"Fine asshole." Maddy grumbled.

"Aw but you love me." Lia smirked.

"Can you come to the game today?" Lia turned and asked me.

"I'm grounded remember?" I reminder her.

"Who the hell still gets grounded anymore we are practically adults." Justin laughed.

"Well I got grounded." I rolled my eyes.

"Leave her alone Justin." Lia raised her fist jokingly.

"Woah don't go all bitchy on me now." He mocked.

Just then the bell rang and everyone rose up except Lia and I.

"Ill catch up with you guys later." Lia waved her friends away.

"Lia I have to get to class." I said.

Just as everyone left she quickly turned around and smacked her lips rather aggressively against mine as if she were dying of thirst.

"Im sorry I just couldn't help myself." She said adorably.

I looked away from her and smiled as my face continued to heat up.

"I thought you were mad at me for what I said this morning." I said shyly.

"No it's whatever." She smiled at me and helped me up.

The late bell rang as we walked out of the cafeteria together.

"If you can't come to the game after school then I'll go to your house when I'm done." Lia said as she kissed my forehead. Luckily it was no one around.

"I can't have anyone over my house."

"I already talked to your mom don't worry." She smirked at me and pushed me toward my class.

She walked away from me with a sway in her step.

She looked so perfect as she walked away I just wanted to run up to her and jump on her and kiss her to death but I was scared.

I was scared what others would think about me and I was scared about these feelings toward Lia. Most of all I was scared of Lia's reputation since she wasn't the most loyal person in a relationship. I just didn't want to get hurt nor did I want out friendship ruined.

Sleeping with my Best Friend? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now