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He never called.

Not a single voice mail.


What the fuck Alex.

I sat in my living room, switching through different channels and since my parents weren't home I couldn't mess with them.

I tried calling his phone but he never answered. I looked at the clock and noticed it was 1:30 in the afternoon so I decided to call a friend.

"Good morning angel." Her angelic voice filled my ear.

"Hi Amelia, do you wanna come over and hang out?" I asked her.

"I would love to! Ill be over in 20 minutes!" She squealed and hung up the phone.

I chuckled at her excitement and continued flipping through channels.

About 5 minutes later there was a loud knock on the door that startled me.

"Jeez I thought she said 20 minutes." I said to myself.

I opened the door revealing a bloodied and bruised Alex, smiling painfully at me.

"What happened?!" I asked as I helped him inside.

He collapsed on the couch and grunted painfully.

"I just ruined my friendship with Lia." He said.

I quickly rushed to the kitchen to grab some ice and a warm cloth. I rushed back to the couch to see him laying down so I sat down on the front in front of him and began tending to his face.

"She caught me sleeping with her sister and she exploded." He said as I dabbed at his face.

"You have to take your shirt off, there's blood on it." I said tugging on his shirt.

"If you wanted to sleep with me all you had to do was ask." He chuckled as he pulled his shirt over his head.

I rolled my eyes at him and continued to clean off his face.

"Thank you Clarity," he said as I looked up to see him studying me.

"I told you to stop messing around with Abby, Lia has a strict lock around her, especially when it comes to people like you," I warned.

"People like me?"

"You are a charming guy, a dream boat whatever the hell that means, girls practically fall for you all the time because they think you are perfect but once you get what you want you just abandon them." I said quietly.

"Is that what girls think of me?" He asked.

I looked into his eyes and saw hurt and genuine surprise in his eyes, almost as if he didn't know people thought of him that way. It was actually a bit sad.

"Well yeah, you're popular and great looking so why not think that?"

"Why not look at things on my side?" He said.

I snorted and laughed.

"Come on Alex we all know you're a whore, you like sleeping with girls and breaking their hearts, look what you are doing to Abigail." I said.

He put a hand under my chin and slightly tilted my head up so I was staring straight into his eyes.

"You and Lia don't know what Abigail and I have been through." He shook his head.

"But Lia said I don't know you like she does, usually that means something bad." I insinuated.

"Clarity when I first sorta met you I told you all girls are the same and I want someone genuine and not someone fake, I was referring to someone like my mother." He sighed and looked down.

It looked as though it hurt him to even say those words.


There was a knock on the door that made me realize we were really close to the point where if someone made one more move I would be kissing Alexander Miller.

I pulled apart from him as I handed him the cloth and answered the door.

There stood Amelia with big grin on her face as she pulled me into a hug.

"Hello there lovely." She grinned at me as we walked in.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you were having guest over I'll leave." Alex said quickly as he stood up.

"Oh you don't need to leave, you can stay." Amelia beat me to it and smiled.

He slowly sat back down.

"I'm just gonna go put your shirt in the washing machine." I said quickly and walked away.

As I walked down into the basement I thought about what Alex told me.

What did he mean by Lia and I didn't know what him and Abigail been through? It couldn't have been much, Lia just didn't want Alex attached to her because he would break her heart and plus she has a boyfriend who she is cheating on now.

I threw the shirt into the washing machine and turned it on. As I walked back into the living room I noticed Alex leaning toward Amelia with his hand on her knee, with his thumb rubbing circles into it. They were both grinning at each other as if they were in a whole other world with each other.

"He's a dick." Alex said.

"Who is?" I asked as I sat on the floor in front of them.

"Damien, he has a habit of bringing a tornado storm into people's farms and destroying everything they've worked hard for." Amelia said as she nodded.

"Damien isn't as sweet as you think, he has a bit of a dark side that he doesn't want people to see." Alex assured.

As I was trying to find out more about Lia, I was also finding out some dark secrets about her group and I wasn't sure I was prepared for all of this all at once.

"Alex did you think about the plan?" I changed the subject.

"What plan?" Amelia asked excitedly.

"Clarity wants us to pretend to date so we can make Lia jealous." Alex rolled his eyes.

"Well since you two are already constantly together how about you pretend to just be interested in each other and be romantically closer." Dating is too extreme." Amelia said.

"Well sure I guess I can piss Lia off more." Alex shrugged his shoulders.

"That shouldn't be so hard for you, you're already constantly on girls." I chuckled.

Alex looked at me annoyed and shook his head.

"Clarity watch how you judge people if you don't know their life."

Sleeping with my Best Friend? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now