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I sat there in shock as I watched Abigail wipe the tears off of her face. I honestly didn't know what to say.


She never seemed like the type to do such a thing, she was so confident and didn't give a fuck what anyone thought of her.

Now she was at her breaking point and what was I doing?

Trying to break her even more.

"How do you know?" I finally asked.

"I caught her last night crying in her room, slashing at her palm. She never did it in the common places like wrist or thighs." She sniffled.

I tried to picture Lia in my mind, any weird scars that she might have on her body.

"Those marks on her shoulder that she said she got from fighting?" I asked.

"That was all her."

"Well why doesn't you or your parents do something about it?!" I practically yelled.

I was hurt because Lia was busy hurting herself and I probably was part of the blame.

"Clarity we are the reason! You know what I said to her yesterday? I told her she was a disappointment and that I hated her." Abigail cried.

"But what about your parents?" I asked.

"My mother hates Lia and she won't accept the fact that she's gay, she emotionally abuses her and all Lia wants is her attention. My father still loves my mother and misses her all the time and Lia blames herself for the separation of the family." Abigail explained.

"Ive known Lia since we were little, how come she's never told me?" I asked.

"She isn't actually confident about the fact that she hurts herself, that's just how she copes with her depression sadly." Abigail shrugged defeated.

I sat there in silence. I truthfully didn't know what to say. All these years and I did not know? Could I even call myself her best friend, it's like I don't know her anymore.

"Abigail I'm so sorry but I have to go." I said as I got up.

"It's fine I understand" she smiled at me.

I walked into the lunch room and noticed Alex and Amelia looking at me with curiosity.

I sat down with them and looked over to see Lia sitting down with her friends, she wasn't talking with them or anything, she sat at the edge of the table with her hands in her pocket while staring into nothing.

"Clarity?" I heard my name.

I looked up to see Alex and Amelia still staring at me.


"Are you okay? You're looking over at Lia like your about to cry." Alex said.

"I am going to cry, I'm so stupid." I sighed.

"Not stupid, just close minded." Amelia smiled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I snapped.

"Im just saying you've only been looking at things in your perspective and not opening your eyes or mind." She shrugged.

I groaned and shook my head.

What was I doing?

I told myself I didn't want to be with Lia because she was closed off wirh her emotions, now she's clearly showing them and I'm terrified.

"Have I been hurting Lia this entire time?" I asked out loud.

"No she did sleep with your boyfriend." Alex added.

To be honest I pushed that to the back of my mind because I realized I didn't like him as much as I thought I did, what hurt me was that Lia hid it from me and I'm her bestfriend.

"I don't care about that."

I watched as Lia stood up from the table and walk out the cafeteria. I quickly stood up and followed her.

"Lia!" I called out as I noticed her walking out of the school building.

I noticed her standing at her car so I quickly walked over to her.

"Clarity I want to be alone right now." She sighed.

"No you don't, you don't want to be alone and I'm never leaving you alone." I said.

I turned her around and smashed my lips against hers hard. I wrapped my arms around her waist as i felt her melt and break down in my arms. I felt as the tears slid down her face onto our kiss. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back full force.

I pulled back and noticed her face slick with tears and her eyes red. Even while crying Lia still looked beautiful.

"Lia I am so sorry for hurting you and not being there for you." I practically begged.

"Clarity you didn't do anything you only spoke the truth. I've hurt you more than anything." She sighed.

"Lia lets go somewhere and talk."

"We can go back to my house." She shrugged.

I removed myself from her so she could walk around to the driver side. We got into the car and couldn't help but stare at Lia. Her hair was getting longer from not cutting it. Her skin was slightly pale instead of her usual sun kissed glow.

I looked down at her arms and looked carefully. Behind the colorful ink of her tattoos I noticed faded scars, obviously from her harming herself. She didn't get these tattoos because they were cool, she got them to cover up her scars like she was ashamed.

"Who told you?" Lia asked, breaking me out of my trance.



"Why?" I asked as I grabbed her arm and traced the scars.

"You never ask a person why they cut themselves. It just happens, it's how I cope with my emotional pain." She chuckled.

"Has your dad ever hurt you?" I asked quietly.

She remained silent.

"Lia?" I asked again.

I looked up and noticed her knuckles turning white as she gripped the steering wheel so I quickly dropped it.

I felt so terrible. There was so much going on in Lia's life and I didn't know about it, what type of best friend was I if I didn't help her cope with it.

"I never even helped." I said quietly.

"Clarity you did help, you were what I looked forward to everyday whenever I knew I was going to see you, I never told you because your life is so perfect I didn't think you would understand and I didn't want you to judge me." Lia explained.

"But I've never judged you." I argued.

She glanced at me out the corner of her eye and snorted.

"If you want to think that."

Sleeping with my Best Friend? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now