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"So my lovely what shall we do today?" Amelia asked as she picked me up from the tattoo shop.

I needed to think of something other than Lia and Amelia was the perfect person to help me with that.

"I dunno what do you feel like doing?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Lets go to my house! I have a bunch of Disney movies and snacks at home." She giggled and looked at me.

I smiled and nodded my head.

She continued to talk about her little vacation while she was away from school when all of a sudden her phone began to ring. She tensed up as she continued to drive.

I looked down at her phone and noticed it was a unsaved number.

"It's Damien." She said quietly.

"Amelia do you want to talk about it?" I asked quietly.

She pulled up to the front of her house and parked her car.

"He cheated on me because I wouldn't let him sleep with me." She said.

"I wouldn't have pictured Damien like that, I thought he was sweet and caring." I said.

"It's a lot of things you don't know about Damien but I didn't care about those things I wanted to give him a chance." She said sadly.

I patted her shoulder and smiled.

"Come on lets go inside, we can eat ice cream."

We got out the car and headed inside her house. Her house wasn't a mansion or anything but it was really nice.

"We can go up to my room, that has all my movies up there." She said as she grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to her room.

It was almost like a princess room.

The walls were like a light pink and filled with all kinds of pretty posters everywhere.

"Your room is beautiful." I said amazed.

It was like she carefully and patiently decorated her room to be a certain way.

"Thank you! It took me a while to plan all of this out." She said proudly.

We plopped down on her bed and she pulled out snacks and popped in a movie.

I wish I could say I enjoyed the movies but we were barely watching, we were joking around, talking and basically catching on with each other.

"You know Lia is scared right? You're prying to deeper than she prefers." Amelia commented as I finished explaining my situation.

"I just want to crack her so I can find out what I need to heal." I begged.

"Sometimes people don't want to heal, they just want to watch themselves bleed, hoping it might stop eventually but it never does." She said.

I looked at the time and noticed it was getting late.

"I can take you home, Clarity since it's getting late." Amelia said.

I gathered my stuff and followed her out the door as we headed to her car.

I thought about what Amelia said even though it sounded a little weird it made sense.

Im going to make Lia open her eyes and open her mouth.

"I had a fun time with you Clarity." Amelia giggled as she hugged me.

I hugged her back and got out the car and headed toward my door.

I noticed my mom and dad on the couch watching a movie so I quietly went upstairs and collapsed on my bed.

So phase one of cracking Lia.... I got nothing, how on Earth would I crack Lia?

She was so well at hiding her emotions, she was like a book written with invisible ink. Then it popped into my head.


Its the only thing Lia was not table to cover up and that was her jealousy, if could get her jealous I could slowly start to crack her. I felt a little pain in my heart because I didn't want to purposely make Lia jealous, all I wanted was for her to open up to me and show me that she is capable of showing she can be in a true committed relationship.

A relationship with no communication is no relationship at all.

I picked up my phone and dialed the first person I thought of.


"I think we should start dating." I blurted out through the phone.

I could practically hear the hesitation in his voice.

"Clarity... I'm sorry but I don't think that a good idea, Lia likes you a lot and...have I been leading you on?" Alex said frantically through the phone.

I rolled my eyes.

"Alex I'm not attracted to you, I want it to seem like I moved on from Lia and that I want more from someone else and that someone else is you." I explained.

"That's trash. What the hell will this even prove?" He questioned.

"Lia is scared to open up to me and refuses, jealousy and anger is the only clear emotions I ever get out of her."

"And getting her horny." Alex chuckled.

I began to blush and shook my head.

"Your plan needs to be fabricated, let's talk about this tomorrow." He said.

"Alright." I hung up the phone.

I laid back and looked at my ceiling. Maybe this was a stupid idea and I shouldn't do it. I don't want to break her heart I just want to get some emotion out of this.

We'll see.

Sleeping with my Best Friend? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now