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I sat on the school steps with my music blasting in my ear.

Obviously my parents forgot that I depend on other people to drive me home so this whole grounded thing isn't working out.

As I was bopping my head to the music I felt a tap on my shoulder so I looked up to see Alex staring down at me with a goofy grin.

"Need a ride home?" He asked when I pulled my earphone out my of ear.

"That would be great thanks."

I stood up and dusted myself off and followed him towards his car.

He opened the car door for me like a gentleman and I rolled my eyes.

"What are we going on a date?" I smirked.

He frowned and shook his head as he walked around to the driver side.

"There was once a time when a lot of men did acts of chivalry." He said when we got in the car.

"Chivalry is dead." I said.

"Alright jeez, sorry for trying to be a gentleman." He rolled his eyes and started up the car.

"You don't even know where I live."

"No shit Sherlock." He said groaned.

"I thought you were going to the game today?" I asked while I directed him to my home.

"Nah I just wanna go home." He shrugged.

There was a silence in the car as Alex thought about whatever it is he was thinking about and I thought about Lia of course.

It seemed like Lia was always on my mind when she wasn't around me and it was kind of creepy.

All of a sudden my phone began going off in my pocket scaring the hell out of me.

"Hello?" I said as I answered it.

"Hello Clarity!" Amelia sang in my ear.

"Oh my gosh hey Amelia I'm such a terrible friend, how have you been?" I jerked up, my full attention was now on Amelia.

"I'm fine sunshine, all happiness on my part today." She giggled.

"Are you sure? Damien did tell me that you broke up with him because he cheated on you." I asked.

"Oh yeah I don't care about that prick anymore, I don't give second chances." She sighed.

I could tell in her voice that she didn't want to talk about him and I respected that.

"When will you be coming back to school? I'm tired of sitting with Lia and her friends." Alex punched my arm and glared at me.

"Oh very soon, probably next week my love." I could practically hear her smiling.

Yes I said hear her smiling she was just that cheerful all the time.

"Alright it better be next week because I miss you." I pouted.

"I promise, I'll talk to you later love."

"Okay bye." She hung up and I smiled.

We pulled up in front of my house and Alex turned to me.

"You're tired of sitting with us?" He mocked.

"Oh shut up you know I don't fit in with you guys." I rolled my eyes and got out.

He got out the car with me and began walking up to my door with me.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I knocked on the door.

"Chivalry my lady." He smirked and bowed.

"You're just doing this to annoy me."

"Well I'm sorry that I am not a certain curvy, sexy lesbian that you would rather have here." He poked at me.

Before I could say something my door opened to reveal my father smiling at us.

"Alexander Miller?" He looked at Alex.

"Mr. Winters? I didn't know Clarity was your daughter." Alex smiled as he shook hands with my dad.

"Come in, my wife is making dinner for the family, as soon as Lia gets home we can all eat." My dad invited Alex inside which was the last thing I wanted.

I shut the door and walked straight into the kitchen and began to whine like the only child I am.

"Mom tell Dad I'm not allowed to have guests over." I whined.

"Technically he is your fathers guest because he invited him in." She said while chopping vegetables.

I whined more and stomped up the steps to my room.

"STOP STOMPING UP MY STEPS!" I heard my mother yell.

I immediately stopped and almost tiptoed up the steps and collapsed on my bed.

"Might as well change out of these clothes." I said to myself and walked toward my dresser.

I pulled off my shirt and began rummaging through my dresser until I found a clean shirt.

When I pulled it over my head I heard a whistle in my doorway and snapped my body around to see Alex smirking at me.

"My whore powers are kicking in." He said as he closed his eyes and began shaking violently.

"Get out Alex." I rolled my eyes.

"Clarity Winters I command you to sleep with me." He raised his hands at me and then opened his eyes.

"Sleep with the devil." I said.

He chuckled and then collapsed on my bed.

"I can't sleep with Lia she's lesbian and she's my bro." He smiled.

"Ha clever but not really, I don't think Lia would appreciate you trying to sleep with her best friend." I rolled my eyes.

"Relax I got my eyes on someone else, not you." He rolled his eyes.

"Good because she's mine." Lia appeared in the doorway with her arms crossed across her chest.

"Lia tell your friend to get out of my house." I scolded.

"Your dad invited him in, not me." She shrugged.

"How do you even know my dad?" I groaned.

"Our dads work together." He rolled his eyes.

"Dinner is done losers." Lia rolled her eyes.

Alex was immediately out the door so when I got to the door, Lia pulled me in and kissed me full on the lips.

"I missed you." She said with her puppy dog eyes.

"You seen me a few hours ago." I rolled my eyes.

"Great you are ruining the moment." She poked my cheek.


Sleeping with my Best Friend? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now