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Clarity POV

Once again, Sam Smith's voice began to fill my room as I groaned and poked my head out from under the covers.

"Hello?" I answered while clearing my throat.

"You sound like a troll, but you have about 10 minutes to get ready." With that she hung up.

"Good morning to you too best friend." I groaned and sat up. I rushed out of bed, scrambling for clothes and quickly brushed my hair and teeth (not with the same brush) and raced downstairs.

I noticed my mother, father and Lia sitting down in the kitchen eating breakfast.

I looked at my phone and noticed it was only 7:20.

"Why did you wake me up so early?" I glared at Lia.

"Because you were going to miss the important meal of the day." She smirked at me.

I sat in front of her next to my father and noticed there was a plate already made for me.

"Out of the kindness of my heart I made a plate for you." Lia smiled innocently.

"I already brushed my teeth."

"Well no one told you to be a dumb ass and not look at your phone for the time." She rolled her eyes.

My mother turned and smacked her in the back of the head and glared at her.

"Don't you dare curse in my house you know better."

Lia rubbed her head and muttered something to herself.

"Dad shouldn't you be getting ready for work?" I noticed my father was still in his pajamas.

"Nope I have the day off today." He smiled as he munched on his bacon.

"Well we know what your parents are gonna get into while you're not here." Lia smirked.

"Ew Lia! Don't talk about things like that!" I said while adjusting my hoodie around my neck.

I noticed Lia's eyes quickly dart to my neck and then she rose up.

"Well I think we should be off to school." Lia said quickly said as she grabbed my hand and I grabbed my bacon off the plate.

"Bye mom, bye dad I'll come straight home today!" I yelled as Lia grabbed my book bag and pulled me outside.

"Why are you rushing me?!" I yelled and munched on the bacon in my hands.

"Clarity you have hickeys on your neck." She smiled in satisfaction.

She unlocked the car doors and hopped in the driver side as I scurried in to look in the mirror and there was one giant hickey and small ones around it.

"Lia!! What were you trying to do draw blood?!" I screamed.

"No but I did draw a moan from you when I did it." She smirked.

I turned away from her as my face began to heat up because I couldn't lie, it did feel good.

"Lia what are we?" I asked her.

"Fuck buddies."

I turned to smack her in her arm and scolded her.

"Stop I'm serious. I've never looked at girls the way I look at you and I've never felt this way about anyone before and it honestly scares me." I said.

"And how do you look at me?"

I hesitated then looked at her. "Lia I think you're the hottest person alive and sometimes I think about you in ways that I think are dirty and explicit." She turned around with a shocked expression.

"It confuses me because your the only girl I thought about of." I continued.

She put the key in ignition and started the car.

"Feelings can be confusing. Your honesty also scares me" I heard her mutter.

I looked back into the mirror and groaned.

How was I going to hide this from everyone? Especially my parents, if they were to see this I don't know how I would explain.

"I know what you're thinking. How are you going to hide those from everyone?" Lia said.

"How did you know?"

"Holy shit I was right? That just ups my boss bitch level." She grinned.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Okay so how?"

"I don't know I just fucking guessed, I'm not a mind reader you naive little-"

"How do I cover the hickies up!"

We pulled up to her house and she stared at me with a blank expression.




I scrunched my face up in disgust. She only called me Clare to get on my nerves, my older cousins name is Clare and I hate her.

"Don't call me Clare, I'm not my cousin."

"You just don't like her cause She tried to date me and she threatened to steal me away from you." She smirked.

I rolled my eyes but didn't respond because it was true.

"Now why are we at your house and how do I get rid of these hickies?"

She got out of the car and I followed along with her.

"Maybe Abby has some makeup you can borrow." She said as she unlocked the front door.

"ABIGAIL!! You better be decent!" Lia yelled up the stairs.

Even though Lia and her dad live here and occasionally Abby spends the night, the house was surprisingly clean and nice.

Her father did most of the house cleaning when he came home from work and Lia cooked when it was only the two of them.

"And you better not have another whore down there with you!" Abby yelled back.

"I can't help it whores love me!"

We marched upstairs to Abby's room and the moment she saw me she squealed.

"Clarity you never come over anymore!" She said as she hugged me.

"Cause your sister never brings me over."

"Is dad still here? Oh and do you have makeup that could match Clarity's neck? I gave her a hickey." She said nonchalantly.

"Cecelia oh my gosh!" I buried my face in my hands.

"No he left a few minutes ago but I might have some, she is a lot paler than me." She searched through her makeup kit.

After a few minutes she shook her head and looked at us.

"Damn well come on get in the car we are gonna be late." Lia said as we all went downstairs.

"Timothy is coming to pick me up."

"No the fuck he's not now get in the car."

"Fuck you Lia."

"Dear sister I don't do incest, now get your ass in the car before I throw you in there."

Abby glared at her and stormed out the house.

"Um Lia?" I said as I walked towards her.

She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me into an intimate hug.

This whole thing still felt weird.

"Yeah what's up?" She asked as she kisses my forehead.

"Do you think you can restrain yourself from telling people you gave me hickies and stuff like that, and just like touching me. I don't know how people will react and I'm just not used to this." I said putting my head down.

She removed her arms from around my waist and turned towards the door.

"Yeah I can do that it's no problem." She said walking out the door leaving me alone.

Now I felt cold without her warm touch.

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