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"Is it still painful to move your neck?" I asked Lia as I slowly helped her off the bed to stretch.

The doctor had finally taken her neck brace off after a couple months of having it on.

"It's sore a little when I turn it too fast so don't try and sit on my face or anything." She winked at me.

I snorted and shook my head as I held onto her right arm. These past months have been nothing but Lia refusing to do any of her schoolwork because she was 'crippled', guilt tripping her into doing it and secretly planning prom for her.

"So guess what." I said excitedly.

"What?" She said as she brushed her hair out of her face.

Her hair was now everywhere and she refused to brush it or anything, she just hated having long hair.

"So I already planned our prom stuff, I have your outfit, our ride and everything." I squealed.

"To be honest, prom wasn't even on my mind but cool." Lia shrugged.

"Oh and you got accepted into State University with a sports scholarship and a honors scholarship thanks to me." I grinned.

Before I knew it I was being tackled by Lia and having wet sloppy kisses all over my face.

"Is same sex marriage legal in this state? Because Im gonna fucking marry you one day." She said as her eyes began to water up.

"I know how much going to school meant to you, so I made sure I kept your grades up, I lied a little to the teachers with help from your mother and forcing you to do your schoolwork paid off." I grinned.

She groaned and rubbed her neck and I quickly helped her lay back down on the bed.

"I don't deserve you." She sighed.

I silenced her by placing a kiss on her chapped lips.

"I don't deserve YOU, I've done too much to you, you've been through a lot." I smiled and turned my back away from her to get off the hospital bed.

"Do you think I would have been a good mother?" Lia said after a long silence.

I turned around and noticed she was clutching her stomach and smiling down at it with tears in her eyes.

"I think you would have been an awesome mother." I said.

"Even though the way I got pregnant wasn't the greatest, the idea of having life growing inside me was a beautiful thing, having that power taken away from you sucks." She sighed.

I walked over to her and placed a hand on her cheek.

"Im so sorry." I caressed her cheek with my thumb.

She leaned into my hand and then placed a kiss in my palm.

"Clarity please come help!!" Abigail said as she burst through the room.

"Alex and I were walking to the car and he noticed Nathan walking toward the the hospital with flowers and he lost his shit." Abigail said frantically.

I quickly jetted through the halls of the hospital until I ran outside to see Alex on top of Nathan repeatedly punching him.

Security rushed over and quickly pulled Alex off and held him back.

"You think you can show up here after what you did to my best friend? You're lucky I don't put you in this fucking hospital myself!!!" Alex shouted as he tried to fight against the security guard.

"Fuck you Alexander this has nothing to do with you!!" Nathan spat blood at him as another security guard held him back.

"Alex please stop he's not worth it! I ran over and tried to comfort him.

"He fucking hurt her! He fucking raped her and took advantage of her like she was a piece of shit and now he wants to show up with fucking flowers?! He deserves my fucking foot down his throat!" Alex shouted.

"I didn't rape her she wanted it!" Nathan shouted.

Big mistake.

Alex somehow escaped the security guards grip and threw himself onto Nathan and the other guard. I watched in horror as they all fell down and Alex grabbed Nathan's head and began smashing it against the ground.

"Alex stop you could kill him!!" Abigail screamed.

She grabbed him and tried to pull him away.

Nathan struggled under the weight of Alex as he clawed at his arms and face. Soon enough police cars began to surround us. They all screamed at Alex to get down on the ground with his hands behind his back.

Knowing he couldn't disobey, he did what he was told and so did Nathan. Both boys were handcuffed and Mrs. Summers came out to comfort Abigail as she watched Alex get shoved into the police car with blood and bruises all over but he looked satisfied. I'm not surprised since Nathan looked entirely worse.

Police officers that were talking to the security guards approached us trying figure out what happened.

I was too in shock to say anything. A million emotions were running through me, I've never seen Alex get so violent, it was like he was an entirely different person. It was amazing how he nearly killed someone all for Lia who was still upset with him for sleeping with her sister but he didn't care, he still considered her a best friend.

It was also terrible to see him get handcuffed and pushed into a police car.

My life was like a reality drama show, it was just too much excitement for me.

"Mommy we have to go down to the police station." Abigail begged with tears streaming down her face.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and I picked it up to see Lia calling me.

"What the hell is happening Clarity?!" Lia asked frantically.

"We are gonna have to go get Alex out of jail, he just beat Nathan senseless for you." I said.

"Wow Alex isn't the violent ty- DID YOU SAY HE WAS GOING TO JAIL??!! He's too pretty to go to jail he'll be someone's bitch in there!!" She said a little too seriously.

Sleeping with my Best Friend? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now