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Elena's POV:

"Marvel or DC?"


"Choose man, marvel or DC?"

"Ben stop," I say as we walk towards the agency.

The pink panther is cuffed as Liam and Ben escorts him towards his palace. By palace, I mean jail. Ben decided not walk quietly and started asking questions to the pink panther. None of it was related to mission, I can assure you that.

"What? I am trying to make friends," He says.

"With a criminal?"

"That's just a label."

I let out a huff in return. I try my best not to have any verbal fight with Ben because I know very well who would win.

I do the required security check before opening the door. The agency is buzzing with people walking around. The clack of boots, the talks, the sound of shuffling papers is all I hear.

I turn around towards Ben and Liam, "Show our guest the way to his palace. Make sure the bed is dusted. We don't want him to have any trouble, do we?" I say sarcastically.

"Ooh roasted," Liam says.

"Come on man, let's go. And yes, marvel is so better than DC. I have my own reasons why I think so," Ben rambles as he walks away with the criminal, waving his hands in air as he explains him. The criminal gave him a weird look. No wonder he is confused to see an agent being so friendly.

The rest of us walk towards chief's office. I really wished this mission would be a lot more interesting. It was barely a warm up for us. We did these kind of mission when we were trainees.

As we get closer to the office, I see dad talking to Alex's father. On seeing us arrive, they stop their conversation and turn towards us.

"How was the mission?"

"Boring," I say and walk past him towards his office. Since it was already open, I didn't have to clear all the security check.

I walk in and take my seat on the couch. Jen sits beside me with her laptop. She is more stressed than me about how the dealer got to know about our unexpected arrival.

"Got something?"

"Not yet," she says, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose as her eyes stayed concentrated on the screen. I rest my leg up on the coffee table, crossing it. I peep a little to see Alex talking to both of our dads explaining how the mission went.

I see dad nod before stepping inside his office. He stands in front of me with his hands crossed. I raise my eyebrow. What did I do now?

"Heard there was a trouble during the mission?"

I shift my body a little to the left to look past my dad. Alex looks at my glare and nervously shifts on his feet, scratching the back of his neck.

I told them that we should not leak the info about someone watching us to chief. I thought we can handle it by ourselves and chief doesn't need to get involved in everything but Alex thinks otherwise.

"Yeah. Someone knew we were there but nothing to worry about. We handled it," I shrug.

"Do you know who it was?" Chief asks, not letting go of the topic.

"No, Jennifer is working on it," I say.

"Alright. Either way, it's a win. Now we can easily find out who sells drugs," dad says as he walks towards his swivel chair.

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