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Elena's POV:

Just as I step out of the agency, cool air races past me. The sky has turned dark with a few stars shining down at us. Moon is nowhere to be seen.

Instead of going to garage to fetch the car, Alex stood beside me.

"It would really be a great invention if cars magically appears when we wish for it, right?"

"If you're specifying me to go grab my car, forget it," he declares before turning towards me. "We are gonna walk. I heard there's a new French restaurant two blocks away. We should try-"

"I am sorry, let me just stop you right there. Walk? Why walk when we have car?"

"We can appreciate the nature as we walk and save environment as well," he says with a shrug.

I shake my head and make a sweeping gesture towards the racing cars on the road. The road is always busy no matter the time. Wake up at five, you will still find the road packed with cars.

"One less car changes nothing. And if you're so into being the next Wordsworth, by all means, appreciate nature while driving."

In reply, he shifts his weight on his right leg and crosses his arms in front of his chest, making no move to grab his car. I would really appreciate his subtle way of declaring his point if it wasn't against mine.

I glare before turning away from him and start walking. Who goes around walking to restaurant these days? I glare at the racing cars, envying them.

"Um, Eighteen?"

"Don't talk to me," I say, as I kept walking. I hear no footsteps behind me. He was the one who suggested we walk, but now Alex let's-appreciate-nature Carter doesn't seem to stick to his own suggestions.


"I don't wanna talk Alex."

"But you're-"

"But I am what? Walking? Isn't that what you want?"

"Yes but," he pauses and points his thumb behind him, "The restaurant is the other way."

I stop. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before letting it out. I look like a fool now, don't I?

I spin and continue walking, purposely bumping him on his shoulder. He chuckles before catching up with me. I stuff my hands in my pockets and deliberately ignore him when he tries to make a conversation or answer him in monosyllable.

After ten minutes of casual walk, we stop near the restaurant. The shop had red painted wall, with windows in golden. The name board had something written in French which, I hate to admit, can't spell. I know many languages but, unfortunately, French is not one of them.

We step in to see few tables were occupied. In spite of less number of people, the restaurant was buzzing with clatter of knifes and forks. The walls were made up of oak wood, giving it a vintage effect. On contrary, they also had blue leather furniture which gave a subtle modern look. I must say, I am impressed.

"Bonjour. J'ai une réservation pour deux sous le nom de Alex," I hear Alex speak to the staff. The only thing I understood was 'bonjour'. The staff said something equally complicated sentence as Alex as they escorted us to a table.

Alex walks up and pulls out a chair for me, knowing very well how much I hate that. Not that I mind seeing him act gentlemanly, I am just not a damsel who needs a knight for the rescue or to pull out a chair.

"Chivalry is dead, Twenty-two. Sit down."

I grab my own chair and pull it out before sitting down comfortably. Alex chuckles before sitting down.

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