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Elena's POV:

"THAT WAS NOT THE DEAL!!!" I yell as I stomp towards her, anger flaring through my eyes. What does she think of herself?! That I would act puppet to everything she wishes for? Well, too bad, that's not happening.

She shrugs. "Choose one or go back empty. I bet your father would be proud of you for your poor bargain."

At the mention of my dad, I remember back when he asked me not to go forward with this plan. I should have listened to him. I should have given my plan a second thought. He knew Meghan was one such filthy human who would exploit more and leave us empty.

"Listen Meghan, I am taking them both back home. That was the deal."

"No can do," She smiles more when I clenched my teeth. Without another thought, I grab my gun and point it at her forehead. She smiles widely and crosses her arms.

The next second, ten guns were pointed on mine.

"Elena—" I hear Alex's voice, warning me to not act rashly. My hand shakes as I bring my gun down.

"The strong and mighty Agent Eighteen. Helpless and pitiful Elena Sterling," Meghan walks around me, taunting me with her words. My mind is already too jumbled to care about her words. "Wants everything smooth and perfect in her life but doesn't want to make an equal sacrifice for it."

"Meghan, shut up," Gwen hissed. She continued taunting me. Obviously, she would. It's her territory I have stepped into. In her cave, she is the lion and I am the prey.

"Did you seriously believe that I would let them both go? Who would be my leverage?"

"So you thought to have one of them under your hold so you would be sure that I won't attack your trope?"

"Clearly. Now choose. I have places to be."

I turn towards Ben who hasn't spoken a word yet. His head was hunched down as he glared at the floor. The usual mocking smile was replaced with a frown. What has she done to him?

Then I look back at Alex. He looks straight back at me, his resolve as strong as the sea, he shook his head as a no. I look away as thousands of moments run through my vision.

Don't dictate my life, Elena!

I went three laps around the building in search of you.

Mom would be disappointed to see what you have become, Elena.

Then be my wife.


My heart belongs to me and yours does to you. All I want you to know is, it's synchronized. When yours stop, so will mine.

I open my eyes as I look at them. Something pulls in my chest when I have the answer on my tongue which was too heavy to voice out. I shut my eyes and turn my back on them.

"Ben," My voice was so small it was barely audible to me. Nonetheless, Meghan heard it quite clearly. She made a tsk tsk sound as she walked towards Ben, unlocking his chains. Liam helped Ben when he was swaying lightly.

I could feel Alex's eyes on me but I was too ashamed to look at him. What am I gonna tell chief? Or worse, what am I gonna tell Alex's dad?

"I figured you would choose Ben. Wasn't it obvious my little brother?" Meghan turned her eyes on Alex as she fetches a white slate and writes something. "Family always comes first."

I clench my fist, restraining myself from doing something that would kill us all. If Meghan keeps up with her manipulative talks, will Alex eventually fall for it?

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