32. I CARE.

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Elena's POV:

I couldn't sleep.

For the tenth time, I grab my phone and check the time to see it's ten past two. Wasn't it the same half an hour back? When will the sun rise? I let out a frustrated sigh before turning to my left to see the outline of Jen's sleeping form. She seems to be in deep slumber. I turn to the right to see the boys sleeping like a pack of ugly bullocks. Well, two of them were. Ben was literally invading Liam's mattress as Liam was dangling on the side of his mattress. Whereas Alex on the other side, slept like a statue. Posture straight with arms crossed. How is it possible to get sleep like that?

I look back at the ceiling as a yawn escapes my lips. I am tired, I know. I can sleep if I close my eyes, I know that as well. But I am purposely not shutting my eyes. There is a reason why the keypad lock of my room back in the agency is specially designed so nobody enters.

Not even Ben. He tried many times and failed terribly. I don't prefer people to know what happens to me after I close my eyes. Because most of the time, I don't know myself. All I know is I wake up sweating profoundly. One idiot, who's name probably starts with an 'A' found out, and the next day, I had to lay an electric field in my room so he doesn't enter.

Though I haven't had those terrifying, wait-not terrifying, I can handle the nightmares just fine, but slightly bothering ones, I haven't had them in a month. Fortunately. Luckily.

But that doesn't mean I am taking any chances. The last thing I want is for my brother to know what I have been secretly enduring. Well, you'll get used to it so no big deal. It's not really unbearably traumatizing.

And yes, I am a good liar.

I simply shut my eyes as I am engulfed in the fast moving images of today's events. Meghan's sudden arrival, the accident, pointing my own gun at Alex, hiding him away, the interview, the news, a sudden unusual conduct of Alex...

I turn my eyes back on him to see him sleep peacefully, breathing in and out rhythmically. My eyes narrow when I see a tiny shift beside him. Ben woke up as he rubbed his eyes. He's awake? I pinch my eyes slightly close so he doesn't get to know I am awake as well. He checks his phone as he casts a look on others and me. I shut my eyes as I try to breathe evenly.

Quite soon, he walked out of the door. What is he doing in middle of the night? Where is he going? Well, there's one way to find out. I shuffle out of the blankets and place my foot on the ice cold floor. I don't even have my flip flops to use. I walk across in bare foot and leave the room after one last look. The living room was completely dark and the only source of light was from the kitchen.

Ah, the mid-night cravings and my brother... I should have known.

I shake my head and turn around to go back to my room. And here I thought Ben was acting suspicious.

"Don't you dare touch that. That's mine," I hear a low pitched squeak of a girl. Wait-girl? Last time I checked, I had a brother named Benjamin. A male. Where did a girl come from? I turn around, hiding behind a wall, and take a peek to see who it was.


"Sharing is... caring?" Ben asked, doubtful of his statement.

"And when did I say I care?" Gwen asked, snatching away the pack of chips away from Ben. She sat on the counter, her legs dangling down like a child. My brother rolls his eyes away and grabs another bag of chips from the pantry. He stood beside her as he opens his own pack.

"On the other hand, I care."

My eyebrows go up in surprise. What did my brother just say? Did I hear him right? I lean a little closer so I can hear what they're speaking. I know eavesdropping doesn't really fall under good morals, but sometimes you can't really help.

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