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Alex's POV:

Happiness is an understatement. The flood of unbelievable elation for being approved or accepted in a family which will also be another home feels different. Hits me different. The elated sense of immeasurable joyous feeling expressed in words feels less when your emotions are overflowing.

I never thought chief would give me his approval. There are many reasons for him to have rejected me. To simply say no the way I did. To make up an excuse or say some rude hurting words to get rid of me. He could have done any of that.

He didn't.

He accepted me for what I am. What more can a person want?

To get accepted by the girl you have grown to admire as well?

That would be the utmost pinnacle of exhilaration. A permanent smile tugged up my face as I joyously bounced on my feet towards the dorm. If I would have seen myself a few years back, I would be scolded for such unprofessional behaviour. But now, good Lord, I feel like a teenager again.

I have to tell Ben about this. I don't know what Liam's reaction would be. I definitely know Jennifer would be the happiest. With grief and sorrow striking us occasionally, this day has been one of my best days in the agency. Maybe I should—

My thoughts halted when my phone vibrated in my pocket.

I grab it out and check the name. Unknown number. The same unknown number which I get stupid threats from. The same number where black betrayal bleeds, ruining everything in its way. And now, that betraying traitor is calling. To ruin my day.

The vibration continues as my thumb hovers over the screen. She always sends messages but now, she is calling me. Should I pick it up? Or should I—

I accept the call. A few seconds of anticipated silence then—

"Brother," A sweet, comforting tone coats her voice. But I know better. I have seen better. The inviting, loving voice of hers is made of a double edged sword that can pierce you, either way, leave you trembling and throbbing with no aid.


She kept speaking. Without a break. Delivering a blow after blow with her vicious words. I couldn't interrupt her. Didn't. She had a message for me. A message that can turn my life upside down.

A message that can shatter my newfound happiness.

A message that can make me stop breathing without killing me.

This message was that one.

And when she cut the call, my phone trembled in my hand. Once again, here I am, with a lost soul and heavy heart. What am I going to do now?

Elena's POV:

I know what to do. First off, I am not gonna worry that I have countable days in my hand. Second, I am gonna consider each day as a blessing and live a life that I always wanted.

A satisfactory day where I can go to bed knowing if death visits me that night, I would happily embrace it.

Thirdly, I should repeat the first two points over and over again, until I convince myself. God, this feels pathetic.

I have jumped into the battle and missions knowing very well that my thumping heart can stop anytime. I would die with a bullet in me. A small ignorance or delay can cost me everything. Nobody can know better about death than me who has seen it right in its eyes and dared it to have a distance because I was not done living. I played with death all my life. And now, death is playing with me each day.

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