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Elena's POV:

I heard a door open but my eyes stayed focused on him. On his eyes which were closed, on his arm which was bleeding badly, on his chest which wasn't doing the job it was supposed to.

I turn as I rush towards Dr Jones, hoping, praying that he tells me that Alex will wake up soon and that he's resting now. I pause in front of him, my breath coming out short and fast as I wait for him to fill the silence.

"I am sorry. He couldn't-"

"What do you mean you're sorry?" I cut him off. He looks at me, his eyes pitiful. He removes his mask, his lips set in a thin line. He looks at the chief before looking back at me.

"He did not make it, Eighteen."

I ignore Jen's sobs and Liam's comforting words towards his fianceé. I ignore Ben's sharp intake. My eyes are solely focused on the failed doctor. With each heartbeat, I could feel the blood rush through my nerves and veins.

"Go back inside and fix him."

While my dad looked at me like I'd lost my brain, the doctor seemed like he was used to this every day. Still unbothered by my intense glare, he stood in front of me with his fake pitiful eyes. I lost my patience. Twisting my bloody hand, I grab the metal and point it at the doctor. His eyes widen as he went static.

I wipe the back of my other hand on my cheek to get rid of the moisture. "Go back and fix him, I said!"

In one swift move, dad pulled the gun out of my hand. I push my dad out of the way as I lunged toward the doctor, wanting to gouge his eyes out. My red tainted hands clench around his collar as I demand him to fix Alex. He's a freaking doctor! That's what he's supposed to do!!

I feel someone pull me away as a few other doctors free Dr Jones from my wise grasp. I thrash against Ben, wailing in his arms, screaming profanities at the doctor.

"Stop it, Elena! We are not supposed to behave—" Ben cut himself off with a gasp when I rammed my elbow to his gut. His hold flattened as he hunched away from me, his eyes clenched in pain.

I make a move towards the doctor but I am forced to the wall. I look at my dad's worried expression then shut my eyes close with a hiss when something sharp pierced my neck. Stars invade my vision as I feel my body turn heavy. I clench my dad's sleeve when my knees buckle. Before the darkness could envelop me, I heard my dad apologize.


I have been staring at the plain white ceiling contemplating what happened. I feel my head start to ache due to the constant beep of the monitor and to add more, the pungent smell of chemicals is not helping. How am I here?

I sit up and take in the surroundings as all the memories rush back to my brain and I feel my heart clench immediately. I sit up and pull the IV out of my hand hurriedly. Ben rose from his seat, placing his hand on mine, stopping my aggravated movements. I look up to see him who doesn't resemble my brother one bit.

His tousled hair, red-rimmed eyes, tired stance, wrinkled shirt and his eyes...they were empty. When Ben lost his hearing, he was damaged yet vindictive. But now, he's hopeless.

"They declared him dead. His father wants to have his funeral tomorrow."

He can't even pronounce his name.

"I have to see him."

Ben shook his head. "It's better you don't. Dad prohibited us. And neither does his father want us to see him."

"Get out of my way, Ben," I push his hand away and swing my legs down. Ben, once again, stops me. He grabs hold of my palms, enclosing them in his. As if like the world is on his shoulders, he bends and places his head on our hands. Then he did something which he never did in front of me. Or anyone for that matter.

He wept.

"How many more people are we going to lose?"

I clench my teeth. The weight of Alex's absence hasn't affected me. Or maybe affected me in such abundance that I've turned numb. Ben's tears wet my hand. I remove one from his hold as I pat him on his back, trying my best to console him.

I stare blankly at the wall. If I have to be strong enough to console others, who would be strong enough to console me?

Readers: Bring him back!

Author: But I can't.

Readers: Yes, you can.

Author: I am no God.

Readers: But you are a writer. You can bring him back!!

Author: *smirks* Because he's fictional?

Readers: *grabs knife* DON'T YOU DARE CALL HIM FICTIONAL!!!

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