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A young boy and girl sat by a tall cherry blossom tree, the pink petal swayed with the gentle wind. They would come here often, it was their own hang out spot. The boy made sure others would know it too, as he engraved his and her initials onto the tree bark. They would come here after school and on weekends to talk, hang out, or just enjoy each other's company. Today however, wasn't as relaxing as it normally was.

"Just promise me, that you won't die." The young boy was taken back by this. He never expected her to say something like that. Was it because of his burn marks? They hurt, and they were ugly...but he wouldn't die. "What are you talking about dummy?" He raises an eyebrow. "Of course I'm not gonna die." He pats her head.

The girl pouts and moves his hand away. "I'm serious!" This time, it was clear to see, she had been crying. Her voice was weak, and her eyes glossed over with tears. "I hate seeing you like this! Every time I see you, you have a new burn mark! You'll die if this keeps up Touya!" She sniffles, trying to keep her tears in.

Touya sighs and sets his hand back down. "And every time I see you, you get more and more naggy." He mutters. "I'm stronger than I look ok? Otherwise dad would have done away with me by now...But I think that's what's happening anyway. Mom's pregnant again."

The girl blinks a few times. "Again?" She repeats. "Yeah, dad is finally getting tired of me. So this new baby is going to be my replacement." Touya clenched his fists tightly. While he was relieved that his torment would end, he hated that he would be treated like his two younger siblings. Treated, as if he were less than the dirt his father walked on. It was like he wasn't even seen as father's son. And this cycle will continue until he finally has his "perfect creation".

If he were stronger, he would fight back. He would make sure his father knew, just how powerful he could be. One day, he would. He would make his father pay for all the pain he's put him and his family through.

"Touya..." The girl hugged him. "I'm sorry Touya. I'm so sorry."

Sorry wouldn't fix it though. Sorry wouldn't bring his family. Sorry would heal his ever growing scars. But it was all she could say. If she were stronger, she might have done something about it when she could. But she didn't. She couldn't. All because of one very important and very disappointing reason, she was quirkless.

What good were quirkless people? Nothing at all, that's what. Ever since she met Touya, she wondered why he ever became her friend. Why he ever tolerated her in the first place, was a total mystery to her. Whenever she asked, he just responded with: "Because your nice." But that wasn't enough for her. There had to be something more.

"Just, promise me something Y/n." Touya puts his hand on hers. "Promise me, that you won't ever leave me. Please." The stress of his home life, and now the thought of being replaced had taken it's toll on his mind. He didn't want to suffer trough it alone, he needed her. Y/n smiles softly. "Of course I promise. I'll never leave your side Touya. As long as you promise me the same." Touya nods and squeezes her hand. "I promise..."

She kept her promise, she made sure never to break it. However, Touya broke his promise.

Touya Todoroki was dead.

She was never told how it happened, the Todoroki kept the entire thing private. His death took a toll on her, she was never quite the same after it happened. She never smiled as much as she used to. She never laughed like she did when she was around him. Everything was different, and she wasn't sure she would ever be the same. If only she had told him how she really felt about him before he died...

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