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"Dabi." Y/n's voice made him flinch. "I think we should break up." Not that they were in a relationship from the start. "I'm sick of this. I'm sick of you. So just leave...please just leave." She says quietly. There was no point in arguing, Y/n had all the right in the world to say what she did. Dabi silently walked passed her, before he left he turned back to her. "I won't let the league touch you. I promise." Y/n said nothing back. And with that, he walked out of her house for the last time. 

Y/n felt her legs give away, sinking to the ground, hands covering her face as she sobbed quietly into them. She shouldn't be feeling like this. Dabi, the person who treated her so horribly, was gone for good. She could finally move on and find someone that will treat her right. She should be happy. But she wasn't...If anything, she felt worse. She didn't know just what her and Dabi had, all she knew, is that it wasn't something normal couple had. 

It hurt, it hurt so bad. Dabi's words, her own words, him leaving, it all hurt. But it was the first step to recovery, all of that couldn't have been for nothing...

The next day, the League of Villains were on the trail of that nameless villain. He had made another attack on another hero agency that wasn't too far from their location. If they hurry, they would reach him in time. They weren't concerned about heroes taking him down first, he's already proven just how strong he can be. No, what they were concerned about, is how fast he'll leave the scene once whatever hero was sent to fight him gets taken down. 

"Are you certain this man will be able to aid you?" Asked a tall shadowy man, his entire body was nothing but black smog, held together by a metal neck, and a proper looking suit. "Yes. Now open the warp Kurogiri." Said the same blue hair man from earlier. "Yes, Shigiraki." Kurogiri extends his body fog around the group of villains. "Ooh, I can't wait to meet our new friend!" Toga grins ear to ear. "Don't be so quick to call him a friend just yet. He'll most likely try and kill us." Said a green lizard man. 

"You're right about that. He doesn't seem like the negotiable type." Added Mr. Compress. "Then we'll beat the tar out of the jackass! Can't wait to have him on the team!" Twice exclaims. Before the group knew it, they were in a mostly destroyed part of the city. And just ahead of them, was the villain they were looking for. He didn't look as impressive as he did on the news. He wore a opened dark grey jacket with a torn black tank, and dark ripped jeans and combat boots. He had pale skin, white hair, and deep red eyes. Honestly, he just looked like a punk.

Three heroes surrounded him, all of them unleashing their quirks on him at once. One had the power to blast balls of powerful energy, another had the power to grow and shrink at will, and the last one could move and bend metal objects. 

 The villain smirked as he dodged their attacks, he raised his hand in the air, sparks of red shot out from his palm. He yelled before slamming his hand down onto the ground. 

The shockwave was sent shooting towards the heroes, once it hit them, their bodies convulsed and jerked, as if they were being electrocuted. Pained yells could be heard, as bright red marking made their way onto the heroes skin. Large metal pipes and beams shot towards the hero who controlled metal, impaling and crushing him to death. The one who could grow and shrink, unseen from the outside, organs grew without the rest of his body, until they burst and killing him instantly. And lastly, the hero who could blasted energy felt his body overcome with the energy, until it consumed him. There was a large bright blast of light, and then an explosion. 

The nameless villain laughed in triumph at the heroes defeat, meanwhile the League of Villains sat back in impressed shock. "Yes...it's getting stronger, I can feel it!" The nameless villain clenched his fists tightly. "Any day now, and it will all finally be complete!" He laughs again. His laughter was interrupted by the sound of clapping, he turned to meet the group of villains who were watching. Shigiraki was slowly approaching him, clapping while doing so. "Very impressive mr. no name villain." He stopped once he was a few feet away from him. The villain raised an eyebrow. 

"And who are you suppose to be?"

Thing Of The Past |Dabi x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now