Chapter 3

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Dabi was holding Y/n close to her as she slept, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the feeling he had. Y/n was attacked, and he didn't even know about it until it was too late. She could have been killed tonight, and he wouldn't have known until it was brought up on the news or...if he came across her corpse himself. His hold on her became tighter. The thought of it made him disgusted, disgusted with himself. 'You're suppose to watch out for her you prick.' He scolded himself. Dabi looked down at Y/n sleeping form, so fragile. Deep down it stirred the feeling of protectiveness, wanting to keep her safe no matter the cost.

He's had that feeling for a quite awhile now, but never wants to admit it to her. There's a lot he can't admit to her, not now, that is. 'Like she would ever forgive me for the things I've done. Are you just humoring me doll? Pitying me maybe?' Dabi brushes aside a few strands of hair away from her face. He put his hand gently behind her head, and brought her closer to his chest. 'You've pitied me from the vert start, but I didn't need it then and I don't need it now. If anything, you should be the one that's pitied. You don't even have a fucking quirk.'

"And yet, you're far stronger than me..." Dabi says in a whisper. "You always have been...Y/n." 

"You can do it you know." Said a young man, his dull blue eyes focused on the young woman in front of him. "You're old enough to. So am I, really."  The man had just turned 19 a few days ago, and she was 18. "Yeah but, running away? I don't know if I can do that, not yet anyway." She sighed, leaning against her friend as she spoke. "If anyone should run away it's you, what you're going through is way worse than what I am." The man raised an eyebrow. "So you want me to leave?"

The woman shot up and looked him in the eyes. "Of course not! I don't want you to leave but...Touya I'm so afraid for you." She put her hand up to his scarred arm, the red burned flesh did not match the rest of his pale skin. Touya didn't flinch under her touch, it didn't hurt. In fact, most of his new burn scars didn't hurt. Either his nerve endings had finally quit, or he's just gotten use to it at this point. "You're being pushed to your limit, what if it kills you?" The it, was being referred to Touya's rather dangerous quirk.  

Sure it was powerful, but it took a toll on his body every time he would use it. He thought he was getting better at controlling it, but time after time again, he would be proven wrong. He had to admit, he was afraid too. Not as much for himself, rather than for her. The last thing he would want to do is hurt his dear friend. He really cared about her, no, it was more like he really loved her. That's what it was, what it always was, love. 

But there were so many things that prevented him from acting on his feelings. He had a plan, one that would destroy the friendship that they had for so many years. A plan that she would never know about, because if she did...Touya didn't even want to think about it. About how much she would hate him for what he was going to do. With a silent apology, he spoke. 

"It won't kill me. I'm getting better at controlling it." Lies. "Enough about me. Y/n..." Touya slung his arm around her, and pulled her in closer. "If I do run away, will you come with me?" He sincerely asks. If he is going to go through with this plan, he wanted to make sure she would at least understand. They have been friends since they were children, surely she would understand why he has to do this.

Y/n offered him a warm smile. "I would follow you anywhere, Touya." 

Touya returns the smiled and hugs her close to him. "So warm..." She murmurs, making Touya chuckle. "What?" She pulled away, red faced. "W-well you are!" Touya continued to laugh. "Whatever you say creep." 


That same week, the two decided to make their escape. It was near midnight when they met up at their old hang out spot before leaving. They didn't know where they were going, or what they would do, but as long as they were together, everything would be just fine. It would be a long way out of town, so Touya decided it would be best if they slept in tonight and left early the next day. He booked a hotel room for himself and Y/n, it wasn't the best hotel, but it was just for one night. 

Once in the room, the two settled in. Touya had just gotten out of the shower and was now staring blankly at his own reflection in the bathroom mirror. The scars were only getting deeper. His hands clenched at the sink so tight, it could have broken. "What am I thinking...dragging Y/n into this." He muttered. "That kind of life isn't for her. It could never be for someone like her." He raked his hand through his snow white hair with a shaky exhale. 

"I can't do this..." 

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