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Stalking someone was nothing new to Dabi, he had been doing it ever since he became a villain. He would to it to corner is next victim before showing his scarred face, it being the last thing they see before meeting a fiery end. But this time, he would not be killing someone. Instead, he would be...checking on? Yes, he assumed that was what it would be considered. He would be checking on Y/n. Just because he couldn't be with her anymore, doesn't mean he'll stop caring enough about her safety. She didn't live in the best area in the city, and not to mention he noticed her taking longer and longer to return home thanks to the overtime she accepted. 

So, every now and then, he would come around to check up on her. Just to see if she was doing ok. 

It was a bad idea, for now, Shigaraki thinks she is out of the picture. He had Toga to thank for that. If he catches on that she isn't dead, he'll come himself to kill her. And Dabi would make sure that does not happen. He promised that very night he found her, to never let her go again. And while he had somewhat broken that promise, he still would protect her from anything or anyone that dared to harm her. 

It was the least he could do after how horrible he treated her. 

"I should have been protecting her from me." Dabi muttered under his breath. And while he did do that, by keeping his villain life as private as possible, he ended up hurting her rather than keeping her safe. At least now, he could be like a hawk, keeping watch on her. And anyone that laid as much as a finger on her, would pay with their lives. 

Just as Dabi was rounding the corner to her street, something, or rather someone, had caught his attention. Bright red feathers, attached to someone that made Dabi want to put a bullet right through his skull. "Hawks..." He scowled, hiding himself further into the background. "The fuck is he doing here?" More like, why was he going down the same street Y/n lived on. Dabi's eyes widened at the thought that had popped into his mind.

"No way...no way in hell." Dabi growled, his palms growing hotter as his anger rose from deep in his chest. He followed behind from a safe distance, and just as he assumed, Hawks was approaching Y/n's home...

"Keigo?" Y/n blinked. Hawks smiled at her. "Hey, gonna let me in?" His muffled voice came from the other side. Stunned, Y/n nods before unlocking the window and opening it. Hawks effortlessly went through, standing right before her. "What are you doing here?" Y/n asks. "It's my day off. So I thought I'd drop by a friend's place for a bit." He told her. "Oh..." Y/n murmurs. She still wasn't use to this, she had a pro hero in her room, they were friends. 

"Uh, have you eaten yet?" She asked. "Nope." Hawks' grin made her smile. "Then, would you like some breakfast?" 

"That sounds great." 

Y/n finished cooking breakfast for herself and Hawks, setting the dish down at the table. She found out from Hawks that he liked chicken, so she decided to make *oyakodon. Hawks' mouth watered at the food. "This looks amazing, you cook like this all the time?" He asks. "Well, sometimes. When I'm too tired to cook, I usually just have leftovers or or order takeout. But I do enjoy it, cooking that is." Y/n says as she sit across from him. Hawks took a bite of the food, his eyes lighting up. He swallowed the mouthful before speaking. "Whoa! This is great Y/n!" 

Y/n's cheeks heats up at the compliment. "O-Oh really? I'm glad you like it." She grins shyly. She took a bite herself, she had eaten every dish she had made herself, and felt prideful whenever it was cooked just right so it wasn't raw or burnt. As for taste, well, since it's her own cooking she could never really tell a difference. But now that there was someone who could eat her food for themselves, and even telling her that it was good, only made the giddy feeling swell in her stomach.

"You would make a great wife, you know that?" Y/n nearly choked on her food at Hawks' words. "Huh? A wife? What, because I cook?" She raised an eyebrow. Hawks chuckled. "Not just because of that. You're also kind, caring, funny, and not to mention, cute as all hell." Y/n's face lit up bright red. "T-Thank you? Um, you're not so bad yourself actually...I'm sure the hundreds of fangirls you have would agree when I say, you would be a god husband." She said, unable to look him in the eyes as she spoke

Hawks smirked. The two of them continued to chat amongst themselves, and afterwards Hawks' stayed a little longer to help her clean up. He thanked her one last time as he heads for the door. "Do you really have to go? What about your day off?" Y/n asked, disappointment clear in her voice. "Eh, you never know with me. I could get a call, it's happened before on my days off." Y/n pouts slightly. "Seems a little exhausting. You're suppose to have breaks too you know?" Hawks chuckles as he pets her head. "Don't stress it kid. I'll pace myself." He lowered his hand. "Well, time for me to fly off."

Y/n nods. "Right. See you again soon." Hawks' grin dropped as he turned to her. Actually, I had a question for you." She looks at him confused. "Hm?" A feeling a sense of nervousness washing over her. Hawks' golden eyes seemed to pierce right through her own as he spoke.

"You ever hear of the villain Dabi?" 

Y/n's heart dropped down to her gut, trying to calm herself, she nods. "Well...I have a feeling he's been around this place a few times. A little risky if you ask me." He continued. "You as well as everyone else who lives here could get hurt. So if you ever see him...call me immediately. Ok?" Y/n swallowed a lump in her throat. "R-right..."

Hawks turned away from her again, his wings spread wide before he took off into the sky. The only thing Y/n felt was the thumping of her chest. This was not good...

*oyakodon, a Japanese chicken and egg rice bowl

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