Chapter 21

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"Hakai couldn't have gotten far. He looked just as beaten up as me, and if I know Y/n, she's not going to give herself up so easily." Said Dabi. Hawks and him had been sneaking around the city, looking for any trace of Hakai. Hawks knew he'd come back here eventually, it was the entire reason he tried to keep Y/n as far away from here as possible. "Hakai won't tolerate that. If we don't hurry he could end up killing Y/n and attacking the city." Hawks tells him. Suddenly, Hawks heard his phone ding. He took it out of his pocket at looked, what he saw made his heart sink.

"Dabi!" He showed him the page he just pulled up. The headline read, 'Woman dangles from sky scraper building, being held onto by no other than the newcomer villain, Hakai!' Under it was live video of what was taking place. "That's her work isn't it!?" 

Hawks spreads his wings and grabs Dabi by the collar of his overcoat. "Hang on tight, I'm about to fly faster than I ever have in my life." Hawks smirked before taking off into the air. The flapping of Hawks' wings sent Dabi's hair flying all over his head and face. He moves the spiky locks from his eyes and looked down. He could see crows of people rushing towards the scene. The closer and closer they got, the more people they saw. 

Finally they had reached the building. "There they are!" Hawks exclaimed as his eyes landed on Hakai and Y/n. Both men watched in horror as Hakai dropped Y/n, sending her down. "Y/n!!" Yelled Dabi. Hawks shot downwards, keeping a tight grip on Dabi. "I'm gonna land you on the building! Take care of Hakai while I go after Y/n!"

Before Dabi could agree, Hawks hovered just a few feet above the building before dropping Dabi, who just barely caught himself standing. Hawks then flew over and down the building, hands outreached for Y/n's body. And right before she hit the ground, Hawks swooped in at the last second, catching her.

He flapped his wings again, flying up into the sky, holding onto Y/n tightly. "I got ya Y/n!"

Y/n looked up at him with watery eyes. "Keigo?" Hawks looked down at her with a warm smile, trying to ignore the shakiness in his arms. "That sure was a close one, huh?" Y/n gripped onto his jacket, her voice shook as she spoke. "Keigo!" 

"Don't worry Y/n. We're here." Hawks looked back at the building where Dabi was. Hakai had noticed him and Y/n and turned back to face Dabi. 

"Damn you...Damn you!! Why won't you just die!? Dabi!!!" 

Dabi's fists ignited with flames, a look of pure hatred stained his features. "I'm not dying until  you're wiped from the world for good, you damn eyesore." He spat. Hakai growled before letting out a furious yell as he charged up his quirk. "Think you still have a chance!? After I used up that woman's healing quirk, my body is as strong as my quirk! And this time!" Hakai raised his hands to the air, red sparks and lighting shot out from his arms up to his hands. His palms grew red until a large ball of energy formed from them. 

"I'll make sure you stay dead!!" 

"Shit! He's gonna down that entire building!" Exclaimed Hawks. He quickly flew Y/n over to another building, further from the previous and set her down. "Stay here, I'll be back for you!" He said as he took off. "Keigo!" Y/n called after him. She ran to the rails and looked down as Hawks warned people to clear out as fast as they could before flying back up. 

Dabi made his flames grow bigger and hotter. "Likewise..." Dabi growled before sending the large wave of flames at Hakai, who in turn, send the large blast of energy at Dabi. The flames met head on with the blast. The impact caused a huge explosion which then sent large chunks of the top of the building cascading downwards. The citizens below screamed in fear as the large parts were right on top of them. 

However, Hawks was faster. He sent as many feathers as he could to stop the large debris from falling onto the people below. With a grunt he directed his feathers further away from the civilians and dropped them. He panted as he looked back up top, the explosion had caused a thick smoke to cover what was left of the top building. Just as he was about to fly up and check it out, he saw more people leaving the building in a panic. 

As a hero, he was taught that civilian lives came before everything else. So he quickly flew down and helped the police evacuate the building. 

Meanwhile, Y/n watched on in horror, trying to see past the thick smoke. As it cleared out, she could only make on one figure. "Touya!" She smiled brightly, relived. However, her smile would drop as the smoke faded out, revealing no other than Hakai. His shoulder were slack, arms limp by his side as his chest heaved with uneven breaths. But despite his exhaustion, he smiled. 

His horrid laughter filled Y/n's ears, who could only assume the worst had happen after seeing that Hakai was the only one standing. "No..." As if Hakai heard her, his head snapped to look in her direction. Y/n gasped at the sight, his wide smile, and his bloodshot eyes, pupils as small as pinpricks. He mouthed something she couldn't make out, and in an instant, he was right in front of her. 

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