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Dabi was the first to recoup from the blast, he growled and rushed outside. "Dabi wait!" Hawks called after him. As soon as Dabi left the house, another blast was sent his way. He just barely dodged it as it blew a huge chunk of the house off. "Motherfucker!" Dabi began to send a blast of fire, but stopped when he saw what Hakai was doing with Y/n. He was using her as a shield. Hakai laughed evilly. "Yeah! How about that!? You wanna hurt me, then you're gonna have to hurt her too!" 

"Fucking coward...let her go!" Dabi yelled. "Weren't you paying any attention? I need this woman. She ain't going nowhere. And I do believe, she wanted you to fuck off. Right Y/n?" Hakai saying her name felt so wrong. Y/n couldn't find the words, in a way, yes, she did want Dabi to leave...but at the same time...

"And I said I was gonna obliterate your ass and take her back." Dabi challenged. "Neither of us are getting what we want today, huh?" 

"Dabi enough!" Hawks joined his side. "Don't you see what Hakai is doing!?" Dabi shot him an angered, but confused look. "This is exactly what he wants, to get you this upset. To make sure you act before you think." Hawks looked up at Hakai. "But that would mean Y/n gets hurt or killed. And you need her alive right? So what the fuck are you doing?" He asked. 

"You're right, she would be hurt if this dumbass pulled anything." Said Hakai, glancing at Dabi. "But, I know he won't. You should have heard all the things he said to her in that cave-in. He loves her way too much to actually put her danger, even though his "love" landed her right where she is now." Hakai smirks, holding Y/n tighter. Dabi hated to admit it, but he was right. If Dabi really loved her as much as she said, Y/n would have never gotten hurt like she has. 

But it's way too late to back down now, not everything they've both been through, after everything that's been said and done...Y/n has to make it through this, so she can finally live the life she's deserved from the very beginning. Without danger...with hurt...without him.

"Yeah, you're right about that." Dabi muttered. "I'm not shit, I don't deserve Y/n's love much less anyone else's. And I'm certainly in no place to try and love someone else." Y/n looked down at him, her eyes filled with pity. She wanted to argue, tell him that he was wrong about everything he just said. But she could barely keep herself conscious. "I've put her through so much shit over the years, even when we first started out, I wasn't as good as I could have been. So the least I can do, is get her far away from your crazy ass. If you wanna kill me then fine, but don't drag Y/n any further in this." 

"Tsk. Like you're in a position to tell me what to do. I will kill you, but Y/n stays with me until I've destroy everything in my path." 

"Then what?" Hawks asked. "What will you do once you've destroyed everything? With Y/n, I mean." 

"Well, I won't need her after that. So I'll just kill her along with everyone else." Said Hakai. "She would have served her purpose at that point. Even if she hadn't gained those healing powers, she would have no meant a thing to society. Just another useless weakling in need of protection and saving from the undeserving praised heroes like you. Doesn't it get tiring?"

Hawk's eyes narrowed. "No. Not at all. I'll do it as many times as it takes." Just as he said that, his red feathers shot out towards Hakai. 

"Dumb move, birdbrain."

The feathers repelled off of Hakai's body, one grazing Y'n's cheek. She yelped at the stinging of the fresh night air in her flesh. "Y/n!" Hawks and Dabi yelled out in unison. Hakai laughed. "Weren't you listening? You won't take me down, without hurting her too!" 

"Shit!" Hawks spat. 

"I told you! I will not stop until this world fall before me! Nothing, no one, will be able to stop me now!" He laughed manically. Y/n's tightly shut eyes shot opened when she felt something cold brush against her. Craning her neck as best as she could, trying to get a glimpse of whatever it was.

Hawks' mouth fell agape, while Dabi smirked. "About fucking time..."

From behind Hakai...grew a eerie black and purple mist, two bright yellow eyes opened before it spoke.

"Apologies for the wait..." 

Thing Of The Past |Dabi x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now