Chapter 10

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Y/n's eyes shot open, only to be shut tight as the light from morning sun hit them. She groans as she sits up in her bed, she rubs her tired eyes. "...It's been a while since I dreamt about that night." She mumbles. It was such an odd night, after all, she was rescued by a villain of all people. You'd think that would be a job for the heroes, but in this case, it was a job for a villain. And one of the most wanted ones at that. It just didn't make sense the more she thought about it. Dabi was known for killing civilians, quirkless or not, and heroes. Why would he spare her? She was no different from any other civilian, aside from being amongst the quirkless few. 

But what was even stranger, is that she did ask Dabi why he spared her a while back. And his answer only left her more confused than she was...

'Because, I liked you.'

It didn't make a whole lot of sense now, but back then, those words made her feel special. She had a feeling that the entire reason for her letting Dabi stay for as long as he did, was because she was still sore from the loss of Touya. She wanted that emptiness to be filled by someone, anyone, that could make her feel even as half as loved like Touya did. It wasn't the wisest of choices to let a villain of all people fill that emptiness, but the way he talked to her, the way he held her, the way he would make her feel warm, all reminded her of Touya.

Because of that, she would sometimes question herself. She would wonder if, because of all those things, was she just using Dabi, so she could feel even a sliver of Touya's love? Maybe, at first. But, the warmth faded, with everyday Dabi would leave and rarely come back. There was less and less warmth until finally, she felt almost nothing whenever he would hold her. She went from using him, to being used by him. 

It was fair, in a way. You treat others how you would want to be treated, whether you realize it or not, whatever you might do, it will come back to you. And it is entirely up to how each person was treated by the other. 

'I can't blame him. What was I expecting to get from loving a villain? If I can even call it love?' She thought as she pulled the sheets from her body before crawling out of bed. Just as she was walking towards the door of her bedroom, she heard knocking at her window. She stopped in her tracks, feeling her heart skip a beat. She turned back around, hand on her chest in attempt to slow her racing heart. "Dabi?" She said barely above a whisper. 

Why would he be back? Even after their fight and the harsh words thrown back and forth, he came back? She considered calling the police for a brief moment but then...the same ache formed in her chest. It beckoned her to move closer to the window, her legs moved before her mind. Before she knew it, she was in front of the curtained window. 'Just tell him to leave...that's all you have to do Y/n...' She thought with eyes shut tight. 

With a deep inhale then exhale, she pulled back the curtains....


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