Chapter 22

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Dabi groaned, pushing a few pieces of cement off of him. "I'm really using up all my luck today, I've cheated death what? Three times now?" He stood up, dusting some dirt from his shoulders. It was then he noticed he was still on the, now near destroyed, roof of the building. And Hakai was nowhere in sight. "Tsk. Bastard got away again damn it." He made his way to the broken door that would lead down into the building it's self. Luckily for him, the workers inside were all evacuated. No one would get in his way, intentional or not. 

"I wonder if Y/n's ok..." Dabi muttered. "Hawks did save her earlier, guess I owe him for that." He sighed. "Or I would, if I knew where the fuck he was." Eventually Dabi made it out of the building, where some police attempted to stop him. Dabi scowled and lit them all ablaze. "Get out of my way!" He growled. "Can't you see I'm in a hurry!?" As calm as he wish he could be in this situation, he couldn't. All he could think about was Y/n and if she was somewhere safe. 

It would have put him at ease if he knew just where she was. But considering how many panicked civilians were around, it wasn't easy to make anyone out. He sought a way to escape the public eye, he didn't need anyone else stopping him. Once he found another route, he hurried in that direction. 

"We're gonna die! It's bad enough there's already a powerful villain around, now the League of Villains are here!" 

Dabi stopped in his tracks. Not too far from behind him, two people were freaking about what was happening. He turned and approached them, once they noticed them, their fear only grew. They began to beg for the lives, Dabi was quick to shut them up.

"Where did you see the League? Tell me before I incinerate your asses."

"You know there's a whole gathering of people a few blocks down that way." Shigaraki began. "Why you after only one woman?" Y/n flinched as he looked in her direction. 'That's Shigaraki Tomura...He's much more intimating in person...' She thought, feeling her hands shake. 'This is bad...really bad! I have to get Keigo and myself out of here!

"I don't want her. I want her quirk." Hakai told him. "That way...I can finally get rid of you..." Shigaraki rolled his deep red eyes. "Look. I'm not here to go back and forth about who's gonna kill who. One, because I already know, that you're gonna die...and two, I'm real fucking mad right now..." His glare sharpened. "Wannabes like you make me sick. Not to mention you killed one of our own...that alone is enough to make me wanna stomp your face into the concreate, then have a dog shit on your ashes." 

You were a bit taken back by this. Did they actually care about each other? You figured the League were just heartless killers, which they were but, it seems they have some room in their cold hearts for each other...It was, odd...

"I'm the one dying? In a way you're right...but it will not be you who kills me..." Hakai turns back to Y/n. "I will not long as I have her...Her quirk is a gold mine for someone like me...and...for someone like Dabi."

That caught the League's attention. "What did you just say?" Toga growled. "Keep Dabi's name out of your filthy mouth!" She snapped, her grip on her knife tightening. "You sure?" Hakai tilts his head, a smirk forming on his mouth. "Not even to say...that the person who brought him back from the brink of death...was her?" He points to Y/n. The League all collectively stopped to look at the girl. 

" saved Dabi?" Toga asks. Y/n gulps down her fear and nods. "Yes...He's here in the city now." She managed to say, unable to look away from the group.  Shigaraki put the prosthetic hand back to his face. "Slight change of plans...Compress, grab the woman." Just as he said that, the man wearing the white and black mask held up his hand. In between his pointer finger and thumb, was a small blue glass ball. But before he could do anything, Hakai sent a shockwave, uprooting the ground below the League. 

"Nu-uh...I said I needed this woman." Hakai said sternly. 

The league was quick to dodge the attack, each one now had their sights of Hakai. This was it, this would be the battle to see who would come out on top. The League of Villains? Or, Hakai? 

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