Chapter 15

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Y/n had returned back home later than she would have liked, but she hadn't been doing her best work so she figured pushing herself to stay a little longer would help her catch up. But instead, it just made her more exhausted and unfocused. But hey, at least she'll get a raise. Just as she was taking off her painfully tight shoes, she heard a knock at her door. She sighed deeply before walking to the front door and peaking through the eyehole. Once she saw who it was she immediately opened the door.

"Keigo!" A small smile mad it's way onto her lips. She was happy to see her friend was in ok condition after that fight. But she also remembered how harsh she was to Hawks, guilt filled her chest. "I-I'm sorry about what I said before. You were just doing your job and-" 

"Hey, what are you apologizing for? I'm the one that made you cry." Hawks tells her, a weak smile forming on his face. Y/n shakes her head. "No, you didn't make me cry. It was...well my evil ex-boyfriend." The smile on Hawks' face dropped. "Yeah...Look Y/n. I'm not going to put you in jail for dating a villain unless you were involved with his lifestyle. That's not why I'm here." He continued. "I'm here because, you could potentially be in danger." 

Y/n felt her heart skip a beat. "What do you mean?" She asked anxiously. "Hakai is no one to take lightly. I have a feeling he'll strike again pretty soon, and this time, I think it will be closest to this part of the city. You could be hurt or killed if you stay." Y/n swallowed a lump in her throat. She knew very well that Hakai was dangerous, she was nearly killed by him after all. "T-Then what should I do?" She asks.

"I arranged a lace for you stay stay temporarily until Hakai has been taken down." Hawks took out his phone and showed her a picture of a luxurious hotel in a fabulous looking city. "That looks so expensive Keigo! You didn't have to do that for me." Hawks chuckled. "Come on, you think the number two hero doesn't have some cash to spend on his friends?" Before Y/n could deny it again, Hawks pulled her in for a tight hug. 

"K-keigo?" She felt Hawks shaking as he held her. "Y/n. Please, don't stay here. A lot of people might die if we don't stop him...I don't want you to be one of those people." Hawks wasn't being entirely truthful with her. He didn't think a lot of people might die, he knew a lot of people will die. But scaring Y/n and causing mass panic among the masses won't make things any easier. The best he could do, is work hard, and find out just where Hakai would be when he starts his attack. 

Meanwhile with Y/n, she was thinking about how similar Hawks' plead was to Dabi's. They both didn't want her dead, only it took Hawks to come around for her to actually listen. But this is good, at least now, she won't have to be in the same city as Dabi. "Ok. I'll go." She says softly as she places her hand on Hawks' back. "Just promise me you'll come back to me alive ok?" 

Hawks smiled weakly. "I will sure as hell try, kid." 

That very night, Y/n packed up her things and was on her way to the train station with Hawks. Who was dressed in a much more casual way to not draw attention to himself. He even wore a face mask and a hoodie to keep his face concealed. His wings were a much harder detail to hide but he had managed to pull that off too. He removed all of his feathers before hand and hid them in a duffle bag, that he was carrying closely by his side. 

The two made it to the train station, the train that Y/n would be taking to leave the city would not arrive for another five minutes. So, they had some time to say their goodbyes to each other. 

"I can't thank you enough Keigo. You've done so much for me. I don't know how I'll ever repay you for this." Said Y/n. "You can repay me, but staying safe. Just make sure you're in that lobby when I come to bring you back, ok?" He grinned. "Right." The sound of the approaching train got louder, signaling the end of their conversation. 

The trained stopped just beside the two, a loud swishing sound was heard as the doors opened, letting the dozens of passengers out. 

"Well, guess this is goodbye." Y/n said sadly. "Nah, it's not goodbye. It's a, see you later." Hawks pat her head. Y/n teared up and hugged him tightly, Hawks eased into her warmth and returned the hug. Y/n slowly pulled back and gathered her things, and got aboard the train. Hawks waved at her through the closing doors. She waved back, and the train was on it's way to leave the station. 

As Hawks got further and further away from her view, sorrow began to cloud her mind. She wasn't sure if she would see Hawks again after this, she felt terrible for the people that might get hurt because of Hakai, and deep deep down...she felt a little guilty for not saying goodbye to Dabi. She know she shouldn't, but, she did know him for the longest time. Disappearing like this will only cause him to seek her out. 

She knew this...and maybe, she wanted him to...

She was going to be alone again, somewhere new. If she ever needed comfort, it would be now. But she doesn't have that, so, she made the choice to toughen up and hope for the best. 

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