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Dabi could only watch in horror as Y/n was taken away by Hakai, the look of agonizing pain staining her face would burn into his memory, unable to forget. Dabi felt another wave of nausea come over him as he staggered, his vision blurring once more. His breathing became more and more heavy and uneven as he tried his best to remain standing. Just as he felt his body would collapse again, his blurry eyes fell upon a familiar foe. He squinted his eyes to see Hawks, flying down through the cave in. "Y/n!" He called, hoping to get an answer back. 

Once Hawks saw Dabi, he didn't hesitate to pin him against the wall with his feathers. The force of hitting the wall nearly made Dabi fall unconscious again. Hawks landed, his golden eyes pierced Dabi's own. "Where is she?" He asked, anger clear in his tone. Dabi's gaze lowered to the dirt ground. Hawks scowled and grabbed Dabi by his shirt, forcing him to look at him. "I said where is she!?" 

"...Gone." Dabi muttered. "Gone? The fuck do you mean gone!?" Hawks yelled. Dabi's eyebrows furrow, his tone strained as he spoke. "Hakai took her...she's gone..." Hawks's hardened expression dropped to one of sorrow. He couldn't find the words, his hands shook as he released Dabi. How could he let this happen? If only he had stayed with her, if only he were faster! 


Y/n awoke with a pained groan, her body sore head from toe. She felt exhausted, after everything that had happened, she just wanted to curl up and be left alone. She couldn't belive that this entire time, the person who had treated her so horribly, turned out to be the person who she had lost so long ago. The same person she gave her heart and body to, and given the same from him in return. She still couldn't understand it. But maybe she could have if she had been more attentive. 

Or if Touya would have just told her from the start how he felt, maybe she could have done something. She could have, would have, taken his pain from him...all of it...

"Touya...I'm so sorry you went through all that alone..." She whispered. Oh how she wished she could go back in time and change it all. If she was given a second chance, she wouldn't hesitate to take it. She would do anything just to help Touya as much as she could. But she didn't have that option. As much as she wanted it, there was nothing she could do about it now. 

Y/n groaned again as she brought herself to a stand, it was only then she noticed where she was. She was back in her home city, on the very top of her work building.  She gasped as she felt the wind brush past her, birds flying over head. The brilliant sunrise made her eyes flinch shut, she turned away and opened them again. This time, she was met with a not so pleasant sight. 

"Morning." Hakai waved. Y/n backed away, but stopped as she looked back. There wasn't much ground left behind her. She looked back at Hakai, who had been leaning on the door that lead up to the rood of the building. "Lovely view, isn't it?" He asked, looking at the orange sky. Y/n didn't answer him, she was too busying considering her options. She couldn't run past him into the building, and she couldn't just jump! That would get her killed for sure.

There wasn't much of a choice to make. Other than to wait for some kind of opening. "Why did you bring me here?" She asked, trying not to let any fear show. "Tsk, don't tell me you forgot that quickly." Hakai scowled. "You're going to use that new quirk of yours to heal me." 

That's right. Y/n had managed to unlock a quirk she thought she didn't have. It still puzzled her to as why of all times, did it just now decide to show up? It just made no sense. If you don't get your quirk by the time you turn five or six, you might not ever get it. 

"And what makes you think I'll do that? You tried to kill the only person ever I loved." Hakai rolled his eyes. "Oh you'll do it. Otherwise, you'll be taking a plunge right off this big ass building, bitch." Y/n furrowed her brows. "Glady! I'm not going to heal a villain just so you could continue to hurt and kill innocent people!" Hakai glared at her as he approached her. "Innocent? Ha! Innocent people my ass! No one I've ever killed has been innocent." 

"Those countless civilian lives? Those heroes? You're saying they're not innocent?" Y/n raised an eyebrow. "That's exactly what I'm saying." Hakai tells her. "You of all people should understand why I'm doing this. Your little boyfriend did, even if we had different reasons, we both had the same goal." Y/n wanted to slap him for bringing up Dabi like that. But she kept quiet, for now. "Where were the heroes for people like you huh? I bet people hated you right? And for what? Why would someone hate you? You're kind, you're pretty, you work hard, you treat people with respect...but you're quirkless. And that's more than enough of a reason to treat you like shit!" 

Y/n wanted so desperately to ignore him. It was true, that she was treated unfairly for not having a quirk, but not everyone was like that! Touya wasn't! "So, tell me? Did a hero come and save you?" Y/n remained quiet, but then she remembered there was someone who came to her aid. Someone who would always come to save her from people who treated her poorly. Someone she could call a hero. A small smile formed on her lips, confusing Hakai. 

"I did have a hero once...He was always there for me. He might not have been a hero known to everyone, but to me, he topped any hero that I could think of...You won't stop, until you've killed everyone's hero. You won't stop, until you've killed everyone's hope, will you?" 

"No...I won't. But here's what you don't seem to grasp." Hakai grabbed her wrists and pulled her inches away from himself. "I don't have anymore pity left in me. I don't care about your hope, I don't care about your "heroes", I will achieve my goal. Even if it kills me...or you." Hakai smirked, tightening his grip. "I'll get you to heal me one way or another. So, wanna do this the easy way? Or the not so easy and painful way? It's important to note that if you choose that second option, you will die." 

Y/n stared him down. "Go ahead then. I'll never willingly help a scumbag as cruel as you." Hakai shrugs. 

"You're funeral..."

Thing Of The Past |Dabi x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now