Chapter 6

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"Shigaraki Tomura, leader of the League of Villains. I'm sure you've heard of us." Shigaraki nods towards the group of villains behind him. The nameless villain crossed his arms, impatient written all over his face. "Yeah, and? What do you want?" He asked. "I want you to, to join us." The nameless villain laughed at his words. "Really? Why would I want to join you lot?" His laughter calmed down. "You hardly count as a league, you had your chance to obtain a new member, as well as take down All Might, and you failed, quite miserably." 

"You're first mistake was trying to recruit a child." The nameless villain began to walk away. "Needless to say, I'm not interested." Before Shigaraki could retort, Dabi spoke up. "Great, like we need someone like you slowing us down anyway." The nameless villain stopped in his tracks, he turned his head to glare back at Dabi. "Huh? Mind repeating that, smartass?" His hand sparked as a warning. 

"Please. So you have a strong quirk, big deal, so do I." Dabi approaches him. "Dabi..." Shigaraki warns, but Dabi ignores it as he continues. "You don't even have a name to back up that stupidly strong quirk. You know of quickly you'd get taken out by a stronger heroes with the way you are now?" The nameless villain storms over to Dabi, the league was ready to defend Dabi if needed. "I've taken down plenty of strong heroes, I've even taken down some smartass villains like yourself too. So, if you'd like to keep on breathing, I suggest you keep that fucked up lips of yours shut." 

"You wanna match mine?" Dabi's palms light up with blue flame. "Enough!" Shigaraki exclaims. "We came here to negotiate. Not fight." He steps in between the two before things could escalate any further. "There's no point in doing so, I told you handy man, I'm interested." 

"What if we could make it worth your while?" Shigaraki asks. "At least hear us out." The nameless rolled his eyes. "You have five minutes to change my mind." Shigaraki smirks. "Five minutes is all I need."

Meanwhile, Y/n was at her work, trying her best to learn everything she could about the nameless villain that's been popping up everywhere. She looked up the first attacks all the way to his most recent, she got a good view of the villain, learned his quirk, and even note his his attack pattern. It's always the heroes attack first, then he does, and when that happens the heroes die afterwards due to that insanely strong quirk of his. It seemed the villain would only use his quirk after the heroes have used theirs, never before. Perhaps that's how his quirk works? 

Y/n notes that down, it was a stretch, but anything was useful at this point. She lost her only way to really learn more about him through Dabi. But, she doubted he would have told her anything, he never speaks about the league. Y/n's hands came to a stop. 'I do all this, I keep you at a distance, so that you can stay safe! But it's too fucking late for that, cause now the league knows about you!' Dabi's words repeats in her head. 'I won't let the league touch you. I promise.' 

'Well isn't that fucking wonderful? A dangerous group of villains knows about me.' She thought with a scowl. 'Well, it's sorta my fault. I mean, I was dating a villain, it was bound to happen sooner or later.' She sighs, leaning back in her desk chair. This whole week has been a mess, she was attacked by a creep, a new villain showed up, she and Dabi broke up, and now her pay was getting docked. Honestly she just felt like quitting and running away and never come back. But she wasn't a child, and life didn't work that way.

So all she could do, is suck it up, and deal with it like an adult. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her boss approaching her. She let out a gasp before quickly closing the tab and switching back to the window that she was suppose to be using for work. "Miss L/n, may I have a word with you in my office?" The older man spoke with a gruff voice. She couldn't tell if he was upset with her or not, she also didn't know why she was being called back. Had she done something wrong? Was she going to be fired? Oh that's just what she needed right now.

"Y-Yes sir..."

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