Chapter 27

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Kurogiri knew something was wrong when the phone call he received from Shigaraki was cut short. He quickly warped to the the League's location. Upon arrival, his intuitions were proven correct. Something wrong had indeed happened. Not wasting any time, his search for the League began. After an hour or so of searching he finally found all of them,  they were not in good shape. Badly injured, but none as worse as Shigaraki and Spinner. His concerns only grew, as he was unable to find Dabi. 

Making the tough decision, he warped the remaining villains back to their hideout. 

 Another hour had passed before one of them woke up, Himiko Toga. She filled him in on what happened before he came to their rescue, how Hakai had caused that deadly explosion that had separated them. When asked where Dabi was, Toga could only shake her head. She didn't know, none of them knew. But deep down, they had a feeling the stubborn son of a bitch wasn't dead. 

If he wasn't dead, Toga suggested, maybe there was one place he could have gone to...

"Apologies for the wait...The league needed some assistance before I could come here."  Kurogiri spoke with calmly. "About fucking time." Dabi muttered. "If you still feel like assisting someone, how about you assist me in killing the motherfucker in front of you!" Kurogiri's yellow eyes landed on Hakai. "Of course. He has been meddling with the League for far too long." 

"Tsk, ya send a well dressed puff of smoke here to fight me? What are ya gonna do? Teleport me to a volcano?" Hakai challenged. "That's an idea." Kurogiri said firmly. "Yeah? Well, you're gonna be sending her to a boiling death too!" Hakai shook Y/n slightly, who barely had enough strength to keep her legs from shaking. "The woman will be taken care of, I hear Dabi has quite the interest in she shall be spared." 

Kurogiri's body began to expand. "You on the other hand...have caused nothing but trouble for the League, even going as far, to nearly killing them. That's more than enough reason to kill you." 

Hakai let out a small laugh as red veins ran down his eyes, neck, and arms. "Then come get some..." Sparks flew off his body. He yelled out as he rose his hand in the air, it twitched as more sparks consumed his hand. He then slammed his hand hard on the ground, not even a second later the ground uprooted and broke all around him. The force was so strong behind the hit, it created a crater around him, blasting Dabi and Hawks flying back. Kurogiri was quick to catch them and teleport them safely onto the ground. 

"Any idea how we're gonna stop him?" Hawks ask as he raises himself to a stand. "Without harming Y/n in the process?" Dabi took a moment before looking up at Kurogiri. "Before we destroy this fucker, I need you to do something for me..."

"Of course." Kurogiri nods. 

Meanwhile Hakai was preparing another attack. "Watch closely." He said to Y/n. "You're about to see an entire neighborhood, as well as your little boy toys, be completely obliterated." Y/n could barely focus on what he was saying due to the chaos of his attack, but she knew enough that he had full intentions on killing everyone. Dabi, Hawks, this neighborhood, the city, everything and everyone! 

'If only...I were stronger! I could at least try to stop him!' She internally yelled, frustrated. If only her quirk was something useful. All she could do is unintentionally aid this monster to his victory...

"Well!?" Hakai yelled at Dabi and Hawks. "Are you gonna actually do something or just stand there!?" Just as he said that, black smoke from Kurogiri's body surrounded him and Y/n. Dabi lowered his hand into some of the smoke from where he stood, igniting it in flame. "This old trick? Yeah right, like that's gonna work!" He held Y/n out in front of him. "You can attack from all sides if you want, but you're only gonna be hurting her!" 

Y/n closed her eyes tightly, preparing herself for what might come next. 

But it was not Dabi's flames that went through the openings, but rather...Dabi himself! Or rather, multiple Dabis. Each one either reaching for Y/n and ready to attack Hakai. 'Clones!? But...where is the one who made them!?' 

"I told you!" Hakai sent out a wave of energy, destroying the clones and knocking away the smoke. "It's not gonna work!" The sludge from the clones blocked his vision, unable to see the attack that came from above. Hawks, as silent as an owl, swooped down and cut down Hakai's back. Hakai's breath hitched, the blood seeping from his back, sent him into shock briefly. But brief was all Hawks needed. He jumped back into one of the warps, coming out another. 

He appeared right in front of Hakai before delivering a strong blow to his face. Hakai stumbled, his grip on Y/n loosened. Hawks took the chance to grab her. It was then that Hakai came back from the shock. "No!" He didn't get the chance to get her back before another warp appeared. This time, Dabi came through, creating a large wall of blue flame. The perfect distraction for Hawks to get Y/n to safety, away from Hakai. 

"Do it now!" Dabi called as he added more flames. Kurogiri opened a warp behind Hakai. Without wasting a second, Dabi kicked him through before jumping in after him, as soon as he did, the warp closed. 

"Dabi!!" Y/n cried, reaching out a hand towards the disappearing warp. 

Hakai's hair flew all over his head, winding whooshing past his body rapidly. His eyes opened, and the first thing he saw was Dabi and the sky, which was quickly growing further away. He glanced behind him to see that he and Dabi were plummeting from a great height. With frustrated growl he looked back up at Dabi. "What was the point of following after me!? To make sure I actually die once I hit the ground!? Newsflash! You'll die dipshit! I could survive, but fucking way!"

Dabi said nothing as he aimed both of his hands towards Hakai. "When has this ever worked?" Hakai glared at Dabi. "Even in death, you're as annoying as ever! Just what do you think you're gonna do!?"

The flames build up in Dabi's hands, his own glare never leaving Hakai's as he spoke with a voice laced with venom. "I'm sending you straight to hell..."

"Yeah!? How about you join me!?" Hakai aimed his hand at Dabi, building up his own attack. Dabi's scowl turned into a smirk. "Dumb move...jackass." Another warp opened just a few feet below the two, Haki turned his head. Inside the warp was Mr. Compress, he was holding the same small blue marble that had captured Y/n before.

Once he realized what was happening, everything felt like slow motion...

His body flew down right to the same level as the warp, Mr. Compress threw the marble, Dabi's flames, along with his own energy blast, were all encased inside...along with Hakai...

Inside the marble, he could see nothing, but he could feel the heat of the flames and the sting of his own power. Trapped, with no way out, no way to recover without immediately feeling the same pain from the flames and energy, his body began to finally break. Slowly, agonizingly slowly...he wailed out in pain as the flames consumed his body, his energy, with nowhere to go, bounced around in and out of him.

More blistering heat was soon to follow, as from the outside, Dabi had sent as much flames as his body would allow in that short instance towards the marble. It began to melt, as it did, Hakai lost all feeling in his body...and the last thing he would ever see, is darkness, flames, and the destruction of his own power...

And just like that...his body along with the marble were no more...

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