Chapter 19

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A sudden bright light caused Y/n to reopen her eyes, her breathing came to an abrupt stop once she saw where the light had came from. The light...had been coming from her. Specifically her hands. "W-what is this?" She brought one of her hands closer to her face. The warmth that radiated off of her palms was a comforting warmth, like that of a flowing river. She looked down at Dabi, one particular cut on his face, lit up with the same light of her hands. The brightness faded and...

"I-It healed!" She gasped. "Did I...Did I heal it?" She turned her gaze back to her bright palm. "Is quirk? But how? I was born without one!" Many questions zoomed into her head all at once, but one thought was louder than them all. If this truly was her quirk, the power to heal, could she heal Dabi's wound? Was there still a chance that she could save him?

Without a second thought, Y/n swiftly but carefully laid Dabi back down before hovering over the pipe. "...Touya, I'm sorry." She whispered as she took hold of the pipe, trying to ignore the shiver down her back, she pulled on the pipe. The squelching noise made her feel sick, but she continued to pull anyway. Thankfully, the pipe was not as long as she originally thought it was, it was no longer than fifteen centimeters in length.

With it out of the way, she placed her, now slightly bloodied hands, over the wound. She leaned her head on Dabi's chest, the faintest heartbeat could be wasn't too late yet. Y/n took a deep breath and focused. The light grew stronger, and warmer until her body gave out. She panted and removed her hands. With shaky hands, she lifts the white shirt up from the wound.

It healed, but not completely. "It's not enough." Y/n went to place her hands over it again, but the light would not come. "What? No! Come on!" She tried again, focusing as hard as she could. "Come on!" Still nothing. 

"No...I was close..." She whimpered. She glanced up, Dabi still laid unmoving. Y/n laughed weakly. "But what was I expecting? Quirkless or not...I'm still useless..." 

"Oh don't say that."

Y/n's head darted around, looking for the source of the voice. Out from the darkness, Hakai stood behind her, grinning smugly. "You have some use." She quickly turned around to face him. "And here I thought I would have to kill you too. But now that I've seen that...well, lets just say, we're going to be seeing a lot more of each other." 

Y/n swallowed a lump that had formed in her throat before speaking. "What do you mean?" She asks. "Me and your little boyfriend have a lot more in common than you'd think." He began. "His body was giving out on him, just like mine. If I continue on like this, I'll end up just like him." Y/n furrowed her brow. " killed him! He would still be here if it weren't for you!" She yelled. 

"Yes he would! Suffering and living through all that pain of having a quirk that would have ended up killing him anyway!" Hakai yelled back. "I did him a favor! Would you rather him go on living as a wanted criminal, who was slowly killing himself with his own quirk!?" Y/n stood up and punched Hakai in his jaw. Before he could recover, Y/n yelled once more. "He suffered because of something he couldn't control! If my stupid quirk would have just kicked in when it was supposed to, he would have never turned out like this!"

Hakai grabbed her by her shirt and stared her in the eyes. "You really think that would have changed anything? I saw further into those eyes of his! He had no will to live other than achieving his goal!" Y/n slapped him as hard as she could, ignoring the stinging in her hand afterwards. "You don't know a damn thing about him!"

"Oh, and you do!?" Hakai threw her to the ground. "How long did he keep his secret life from you, huh!? If he really trusted you, don't you think he would have told you about this entire scheme of his from the  very beginning!?" Y/n clenched her fist tightly, trying to come up with an argument to cast aside his. Hakai crouched down on his knee, to her height. "But what does it matter? He's as good as dead, no point in trying to save him now."

"Think again shit head."

The two whipped their heads over to where Dabi was. He glared at Hakai, his left hand engulfed with flames, but not as much as he would have liked. Hakai growled. "You just won't die will you?" 

"Touya!" Y/n cried. Hakai grabbed Y/n by the back of her neck, pain shoot through her body as red veins appeared on her flesh. She screamed out in pain, and desperately tried escaping his grasps. "Y/n!" Dabi shouted. Hakai chuckled, tightening his grip. "I couldn't do this before, considering she had no quirk. But now that she does...I can properly kill her."

"Let her go!" Dabi demanded. "Oh I will, once we're far away from this shit hole." Hakai backed up, forcing Y/n to follow. "I said let her go!" Dabi repressed a pained groan as he stood to power up his flames. "Don't try it!" Hakai warned. "Make one move, and I'll splatter her brains all over these walls!"

Dabi was forced to obey, but he did not douse his flames. 

"And you little lady, you think about trying anything, and I'll kill you and him right here and now." Hakai hissed sternly into her ears. Y/n whimpered out another pained cry. "What do you want with her?" Dabi asked, eyes never leaving Hakai's. "Simple. I want her to heal me." 

"But not only that, I want her to heal me as much as it takes until I have full control over my quirk and body. So, say goodbye scarface. We're off!" Dabi began to take a step, just as he did, Hakai sent another wave of pain into Y/n, causing her to cry out in pain again, Blood trickling down her lips. Dabi paused and extinguished his flames, panic filling his mind. Hakai smirked. "It was nice while it lasted, ey Dabi?" Hakai chuckled. "Farewell, my sickening fellow!"

 With that Hakai zipped up the walls with quick speed and agility, taking Y/n along with him... 

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