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"So...Dabi, was it?" Hakai asked as he cracked his neck. "I assume you're not alone. Where's the rest of your buddies?" Dabi grinned. "Nah. Just me shit for brains. But I have a feeling they'll be arriving soon enough." Before Dabi had arrived, Shigaraki informed the League that they would be showing up to this now destroyed city to take down Hakai. But, his plan wasn't of any interest to Dabi, he didn't care if Hakai was taken down or not. That was, until Y/n was involved. When he saw Hakai put his hand around Y/n's throat, in that moment he had full control over her life, something inside of Dabi snapped.

Something inside of him was resurfaced, new feelings of protectiveness that he held for Y/n. And the bastard in front of him dared to hurt her, right in front of him? Hakai was practically begging for a fiery death now. "Before I kill you." Dabi began. "Why don't you tell me what this quirk of yours is all about. No way you were just born with something that powerful."

Hakai smirked. "Yeah, you're half-right. I was born with a dangerous quirk, but it wasn't nearly as lethal as it is now." Hakai raised his bloody hand, which was shaking slightly. "I had to work my way up to this level and yet...it's still not enough." He closed it into a fist. "I'm not nearly strong enough to reach my goal."

"And that is?" Dabi asked. Hakai glares at him. "No point in telling you, you'll be dead in the next two minutes." As soon as he finished that sentence, he was behind Dabi, ready to strike. Dabi quckly turned around and blasted a huge wave of fire at Hakai.

Hakai was quick too, as he just barely dodged the attack. 'Damn it...I'm starting to get sloppy. Better finish this quickly.' He though as he readied his next move. But then he remembered one very important fact about Dabi. 'That's right...' His grin only grew wider as he realized what he had to do in order to win this fight.

Hakai appeared in front of Dabi again and dodged as Dabi blasted more flames at him. He would repeat this action of getting ready to attack only to stop to dodge as the blue flames were aimed at him. "Yo, you gonna actually fight back or keep dodging like a little bitch?" Dabi growled in annoyance. "Was Hawks really defeated by someone like you?"

"Oh but I am fighting back! Just in a different way!" Hakai tells him. "And Hawks was defeated by me because he had no idea what he was in for! If that bitch didn't show up, he would dead!" Dabi scowls and blasts more flames at him, this time stronger than the last. The flames died down and as the smoke cleared, Hakai was no where to be seen. 'No way it was that easy...'

"Don't you see?"

Dabi flinched at the sudden voice from behind him. He turned just in time for Hakai to hit him with a wave of energy, that sent Dabi flying back into a wall. Groaning Dabi opened of of his eyes, and in a split second, Hakai was towering over him.

"This fight was over as soon as it began." He points to Dabi's wrists, Dabi's eyes trailed down to see new burnt flesh peaking out from the stapled scar on his wrist. 'Shit!' How could he have not noticed? "It pays to be knowledgeable of your opponent. You're body can't handle such power. I understand how it feels, to have a body that's failing you." As Hakai says this, blood pours down from his nose and mouth.

"That's why I must push myself further, body and quirk. It's the only way to keep myself in control, otherwise, I'll end up a walking corpse. Just. Like. You."

Dabi raised his arm again to attack, Hakai grabbed it. His grip was iron tight, no matter how much Dabi struggled or heated his body, Hakai would not let go. "How about I finally put you to rest?" Just like with every hero Hakai has faced, red marks ran up Dabi's arm. These marks would appear just as Hakai was about to deliver the finishing move, that would brutally kill whoever he faced.

With panic filling his mind, Dabi couldn't figure out a way to escape. He felt the hot sting as the marks covered more and more of his body. It felt like his nerves were going numb, and he couldn't move.

"So long, Dabi..."

Thing Of The Past |Dabi x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now