Chapter #3: I'm not a soldier

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Y/N's POV:


"Because I'm not going back to that life, James. I've already lost enough, don't you think?"

"I know what I did was wrong but please Y/N. I'm begging you. We can't do this without you. We're all alone in this."

"What about me? Where were you when I needed you?"

Bucky stayed silent and Sam just stood in a corner watching everything unfold.

"It was great meeting you Sam, you're even more handsome in person. Have a good life James, I hope we can meet agai- "

"Ok fine! Name your price." Bucky spoke up.

"I want a full pardon. If I help you I want all the red off my ledger, and I want to be considered whatever the hell you are, what is it again? A free agent? A vigilante? Well, whatever that is I want it. And I'll only do it if John Walker is not working with us."

Bucky made an 'I get it' face.

"Sam?" he turned to him looking like a little boy asking permission from his dad.

"I can make that work, but you're helping us take them down, no matter how much time it takes us".

"Then I believe we have a deal. Pleasure doing business with you." I stuck my hand out for him to shake.

"So, what do you know about them? Any leads?" Bucky asked.

"Follow me" I motioned for them but the only one that moved was Bucky.

"How do we know you're not going to kill us and bury our bodies in your big backyard?" Sam asked crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow.

"Oh please, if I was going to kill you I would have never let you go past the door. Besides, it'd be a crime against humanity to kill such pretty faces." I chuckled.

Sam slightly blushed and Bucky rolled his eyes. Jealous much?

"Ok, but the gun on your back says otherwise." Sam said pointing to the semi-automatic handgun on my back.

"Oh, this little beauty? Here, catch" I said and took it out of my back, put the safety on and threw it to him. I have many weapons hidden in my house in case of an ambush.

The men reluctantly followed me towards my office. There, my computer, and several holographic monitors decorated the room. It's very cold so my computers don't overheat. The monitors displayed former S.H.I.E.L.D files, current S.W.O.R.D files, and any active surveillance on my allies and enemies. Plus, the schematics for a few pieces of my new tech.

"You've had eyes on us the hole time." Sam gawked at the screens.

"And ears, but who's paying attention?" I smiled.

"Well, you definitely are" Bucky said.

"Anyways, let's do this. In the rabbit hole we go..."

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