Chapter 33: I Promise

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Y/N's POV:

"So..." He trailed off.

"So..." I mocked, which caused the both of us burst out laughing. Walking out and about in the city of Latvia could be a very romantic activity but given the circumstances I cant really enjoy this as I would like to.

Jaia was across the world from me. At least she's safe. The little voice said. So now you want to be supportive?

Who's watering my plants? I thought. They're probably dead. And she's back.

I felt a metal hand interwinding with my own flesh one.

"Penny for your thoughts, doll?" He gently kissed my knuckles, making my try my best to hide the blush.

"Just spaced out a little, its nothing." I softly said and he decided not to push it. He knows about my anxiety—found out the hard way, when I was having a panic attack the last time he stayed with me.

"If you ever need to talk, I'll be here." I looked at him only to be met with his intense gaze.

"And this time," he continued.

"I'm not leaving. I promise." This made me stop in my tracks, he stopped as well. I felt my eyes beginning to water and blinked back tears that could have fallen otherwise.

Pathetic. So weak. I mentally winced at my own thoughts.

The only reason why I didn't run to his arms when he showed up at my house a few days ago was because of what he had done. He left. Left me, Jaia, everything I thought we built—and how did he do it? That's the most heartbreaking part.

He waited until I was asleep, my guard was down. We cuddled, and when I woke up—hoping to be in his arms—I was met with an empty bed and a letter, left one for Jaia too. Half of the things I bought him were gone and so was the tactical backpack he had when he first came to me.

So yeah. Don't blame me if I want to cry right now.

But I didn't. Instead I hugged him. I hugged him so tight I could've broken something if he wasn't a huge super soldier. He hugged me back just as tight—as if I would disappear if he let go even the slightest.

"I'm staying, I swear. I... I love you doll. I want to be yours and I want you to be mine." He used one of his hands to cradle my head while the other had a tight grip on my waist.

That was it. That was my breaking point. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"I love you too Bucky. And I want that too." I whispered—loud enough for him to hear me—against his jacket as a single tear rolled down my face.

Usually I wasn't a big fan of PDA but there was barely anyone on these streets and I could really care less in this moment. You know why? Because the love of my life manned up and told me how he felt and promised not to leave—ever.

We pulled away and I kissed him tenderly as he wiped the tear from my cheek and gently held my face.

It was one of those movie-type kisses when you feel like the whole world stopped just for a second—one perfect second.

"We need to go. We've been out for a while now." I grinned.

"Ok, let's go." He smiled and kissed my forehead while whispering "my doll" not quiet enough to hide it from me.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Something's not right about Walker." Bucky said while walking towards the kitchen counter and taking off his jacket.

"That's the summed-up version." I agreed, taking off my coat and neatly placing it on the couch.

"Ya don't say." Sam sarcastically replied.

"Well, I know a crazy when I see one." He opened one of the top cabinets and reached for two glasses and a bottle of what could be brandy or whiskey. Either way, I want a glass so I walked towards the counter and sat in one of the bar stools.

"He is crazy." I agreed once again.

"So are you." He countered. I just stuck my tongue out at him and took a glass of whatever he poured.

"Cant argue with that." Sam added from the table nearby.

I downed the drink like a shot and winced. Woo that was definitely whiskey, a good on too, had to be Jack Daniel's.

Bucky looked at me and mouthed "damn" and I just smirked in return.

"Shouldn't have given the shield." Bucky said.

"I didn't give it." He tried to defend himself.

"Right, 'cause that wasn't all over the news." I added.

"Well Steve definitely didn't." bucky took a swig at his drink as well.

Just as he finished, the doors busted open and you wont guess who stepped in.

I'm gonna kill him.

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