Chapter 22: Strawberry Ice Cream

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(this one is a lil hot for y'all...enjoy)


"I guess you do." I said.

A phone started vibrating. It was Sam's.

"If you guys excuse me, I'll be right back." He said and went to attend that, leaving me and Bucky on our own.

The air felt thicker than when I was talking about my past, and that wasn't even the half of it.

"...I'm sorry..." I spoke, barely whispering to Bucky.

"For what?" his voice was soft and his gaze even softer, except those eyebrows. What is it with this man and furrowing his eyebrows?

"For everything. Pushing you away, accusing your friend, everything. You don't deserve any of that. Especially when we're sopoused to be friends. Friends don't do that. I trust you- I do! Its just...hard for me to show."

He scooted a little closer to me.

"You don't have to apologize. You've been through hell and back too and I see why you don't trust easily."

No he doesn't.

"But you were wrong about something though," he continued.

I looked up to him in confusion. What is he talking about? Does he not want to be my friend anymore? I thought-

He doesn't care about you. You're just a means to an end. He'll leave you once he gets what he needs.

"I don't want to be your friend anymore." He spoke.

My face dropped. Is he really serious? But-

But nothing. I told you. He doesn't care about you. He'll leave you. Again.

"I-I thought that-"

"Let me finish. Before you say anything, please." He quickly added.

"You better have one hell of an explanation before I smack you into next Tuesday. Are you really leaving me? Again?" I angrily spoke. I'm not taking his shit right now.

"No! No- that's not what I mean-"

"So what did you mean?" I unconsciously pushed away from him, moving a little far back on the couch/seat.

"I mean that I want to be more than friends!"


"Because I have feelings for you! Can't you see that?!" he basically screamed, visibly done with my shit.

"...What?" I was genuinely confused. Where on earth did that come from?

"Ever since that night...I knew I had to leave you and even the thought of it killed me. But you were already broken enough and I couldn't bear to make it worse on my account. So yes. I left you. If I stayed any longer you could have gotten hurt. People were hunting me and i- the point is that, when I finally was able to get rid of the Winter Soldier I started looking for you but then the whole thing with that grape happened and-"

I grabbed his face and kissed him. It took him by surprise but he almost instantly kissed back. His hand went to my waist and the other cupped my cheek.

Do I do it? I've been waiting for this moment for too long.

Screw it.

I went on one knee and straddled him between my thighs. The hand on my cheek went to hold my back.

The kiss was becoming more and more passionate, pulling back and forth, almost grinding on him. Like we've both been waiting for this to happen, we just want to savor the moment. Literally.

I bit his lip. A small grunt allowed me access to his mouth. His hand started going lower, grasping my thighs with a firm grip.

We were rudely interrupted my someone clearing their throat.

After pulling away, embarrassed, I realized that it was Sam standing with a shit-eating grin on his face. What's he smiling about?

"Finally!" he beamed.

"Finally?" Bucky and I said simultaneously.

"Yes finally! The tension between you two was killing me-" he was interrupted by his cellphone ringing again, only this time he didn't get up to answer it.

"Hey Sarah, is everything ok? Wha- ok. Hi AJ, what's going- I left it in your room. Did you check under your bed? Ok- ok let me walk you through it."

He stood up and covered the speaker. "I'll be back. Keep it PG, please, thank you." Leaving two very flustered, and honestly turned on, cyborgs.

There was a calm short silence until Bucky spoke.

"I was worried, you know? After I left- after the whole Thanos thing..."

"Me too. For all of you." My eyes glazed up a little.

Why do all my friends end up dead?

Truth is, I missed everyone. Aaleyah, Natasha, Steve, Tony, Bruce, Thor, Clint, Pepper, hell, I even miss Fury. Fury and I always had something to bicker about  and didn't see eye to eye on everything but at the end of the day I trusted that man with my life. 

I trusted all of them with my life.

Bucky noticed and gently interlocked out fingers, his metal hand, and my flesh one.

"It's just- I never got to say goodbye. To none of them. Not properly. I hated saying goodbye, we would always just say "until next time" or "see you in a minute". But it never came. Not even with my dad."

"Your were pretty close with them, were you?"

"With every. Single. One. Especially with Natasha and Steve. Nat told me things that nobody else knew. Not even SHIELD. Tony was always with Pepper, Thor spent more time in Asgard than here, Clint was with his family most of the time, and Bruce was always in his lab, but I was really close with Nat and Steve. I was close with everyone but they were always there for me. Literally, once, I was going through a breakup—it was toxic anyways—but as soon as I texted Nat and Steve, they showed up at my apartment door with a bunch of junk food and my favorite ice cream." I smiled at the lovely memory.

"Strawberry." He smiled.

"You remember?"

"Hell yeah, it was the only ice cream you bought." He laughed and I joined him.

Things were falling apart around us, Flag Smashers, Walker and his shit, but we were good- no. Great. With Bucky's hand on mine.

After what fell like an eternity,

I. feel. Great.

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