Chapter 30: Jaia Mariani Cruz

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Once we walked in, the air of disappointment was getting even more thick around us. My hands were still in my pockets, the most comfortable place at the moment.

Everyone's pretty frustrated because we have no leads, though I'm pretty sure Zemo already got the information we need. He's just waiting for the 'best' time to tell us as the drama queen he is.

"Well, I got nothin'." Bucky sighed angrily as the door shut behind us.

"No one's talking about Donya. I'm afraid our dear friend Morgenthau has something to do with that." I added, walking further inside and sitting down on the floor, Bucky sat down beside me but in one of the couches.

"Yeah, she's the only one fighting for them. And she's not wrong." Sam concurred.

"You know, it's much more easy taking down bad guys when they don't actually prove a point. Just because her methods are wrong doesn't mean we shouldn't take into account what she's fighting for."

"What do you mean?" Bucky inquired.

"For five years, people were welcomed into countries that have kept them out using barbwire—" I explained.

"—There were houses and jobs. Folks were happy to have people around to help them rebuild." Sam joined.

"It wasn't just one community or country coming together after a hurricane, it was the entire world coming together after half of humanity being wiped from the universe."

"Exactly! And then, boom! It all goes back to how it used to be." Sam finished.

"Just like that. To them, at least Karli's doing something. I mean did you see the condition those people live in? And the worst part is there are thousands of those shelters all over the world." I muttered loud enough for the men to her me.

Zemo was over at the counter making some tea.

"You really think her ends justify her means? Then she's no different than him," he motioned towards Zemo, "—or anybody else we've fought." Bucky looked down at me.

"Absolutely not! All I'm saying is that her reasons are valid—"

"—She's different."

"—She's not motivated by the same things." I tried. "Look, when I was growing up, Puerto Rico got hit by a category five hurricane and a lot of American aid was sent. Three years later it's earthquakes. Months after that, a warehouse full of supplies, water, food, everything was found untouched, under a blanket of dirt and expired. Thousands of American dollars in food and water, wasted because of bad organization. This is barely any different."

After I finished my rant, Zemo came over with a small table with a kettle and cups.

"That little girl." Bucky narrowed his eyes towards the suspicious man.

"What'd she tell you?"

He hesitated for a moment, glanced at Sam, then me. I raised an eyebrow, and he spoke.

"The funeral is this afternoon." He rasped and picked up a cup filled with the liquid.

"You know the Dora's coming for you any minute." Bucky taunted.

"They're probably lurking outside right now." I followed.

"Keep talking."

"Leaving you to turn on me once we get to Karli. Hmm." He 'thought' for a moment.

"I prefer to keep my leverage." He stated as-a-matter-o-fact.

"How do you feel about keeping your teeth? 'Cause I wanna punch a few out." I threatened.

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