Chapter 38: Vader

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(Ok, but imagine this in slow mo= badass)


Sam held him in place and I made a run for the shield, dislocating Walker's shoulder in the process. Bucky stood up, blood falling from his mouth. I panted hard. The last time I felt this much anger...things got...dark, to say the least. Let's just say a hand needed a cast and a wall needed fixing.

"It's over John." My hand clung to the shield by the straps. The air around us was humid and dusty, making want to sneeze. Instead I coughed and cleaned the blood from my nose, not realizing that my eyebrow and cheekbone—among other things—were bleeding far more.

"It's mine." He seethed through gritted teeth, taking a swing at Bucky. He managed to pick him up and throw him down on the floor with a loud bang. But Walker got up anyways. I took it as my chance to practice a move Steve thought me when we'd use his shield in training.

I used one of the machines around us by stepping on it and doing a full twist mid-air, giving enough force for me to throw the shield at Walker three times, until he was successfully knocked out. That'll leave a nasty mark.

By the end, we were all beat up, bloodied, and tired. I wiped my face once more against my skin. An ugly combination of blood, sweat, tears and a little dirt now sticking to my forearm. I fell to my knees and let the tears fall, desperately clutching onto the vibranium weapon, as if I'd bring back the friends I so desperately needed by my side once again. My team. Natasha, Clint, Tony, Bruce, Steve, Thor, Aaleyah.

Now there's only three of us. How are we supposed to keep everyone safe? I felt the touch of two different hands, one on each shoulder. Bucky and Sam kneeled next to me as I shook. That was it. I couldn't take more moping.

"This has to stop. We need to stop all of it. Now." My voice wavered; nonchalant facade nonexistent at the moment.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"The GRC is conducting raids to try and find Karli, but so far they've only found her followers. They've searched this camp, just like the last camp. Nothing." Sam sighed. The three of us were currently back at the camp, bruised and tired. Police tape closed off part of the area in the common room—which consisted of a few wooden tables. After the big fights we went back to Zemo's place and got cleaned up. Once again I was wearing the outfit Creep-o gave me.

My eye was bruised and I had a nasty cut on my cheekbone, but other than that I was physically fine. Bucky and Sam had similar injuries. Thankfully, Bucky and I's fast healing is starting to kick in.

I was sitting crisscross atop one of the tables with the shield in my lap, cleaning off the blood. My coat placed behind me and my sleeves rolled up. Bucky was leaning against a random railing across from me and Sam was standing in front of the table.

"They won't find her either." I discarded the wet wipe in hand and threw it into the pile of dirty ones sitting in front of me. I kept talking as I grabbed another one from the packet.

"She's smart." I credited and shrugged.

"She's also gone. We'll never find her." Sam turned towards me and placed his hands on the table. While I tried to think of a plan, a voice walked towards us.

"Hey, you got your sleeve back." He spoke, looking at Bucky. He was wearing an army uniform and the tag said "Torres".

I had called Dani to bring my QuinnJet. Bucky and I were going to find Zemo and Sokovia was a good place to start looking. My phone dinged. When I looked at it, it was Dani, saying she'd arrived at the airport. I glanced over Bucky and cocked my head to the side. He understood and headed towards the exit, waiting for me by the door.

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