Chapter 21: Show and Tell

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"It all started in college."

"College?" Sam asked.

I nodded and hummed.

"When I was getting my doctorate, I had to do a paper with a senior student's help –it was part of the whole grade thing – and that senior student just so happened to be Bruce."

"As in, Banner?"

"Yep. We became really good friends study buddies and everything. Really clicked it off I guess."

Bucky seemed uncomfortable. He shifted in his seat and I continued my story.

"Eventually, he mustered up enough courage and asked me out. It went really well and we dated for two years."

The boys looked at me as if I said Britney Spears was an alien and she cloned me. Sam was the first to speak.

"You dated Bruce Banner?! The doctor? The Hulk?! We can't possibly be talking about the same Banner. Wallflower Banner?!" he exclaimed in surprise.

"You dated?" was the only thing Bucky could choke up, his face cringing at the thought of me going out with someone.

"Yes! And we were quite the couple, I might add."

"I- How- Uh- what happened?" Sam struggled with his words.

"Nothing bad, really. He got one of his first experimental projects approved for a grant in a university's lab out of state and I started an internship that gave me credit in some of my classes. We were young and busy, so we decided to break up and leave things without any hard feelings before we drifted apart."

"Wow." Bucky said.

"What do you think would have happened if you didn't break up and didn't move away from each other?" Sam inquired.

"That's a very big if. Honestly, I don't know. Within a few years? We probably would have gotten married."

As soon as I finished that sentence, Bucky chocked on his spit and started coughing. I gently patted his back with one hand while searching for the water bottle I had on my backpack and handing it to him.

He took it and sipped a little.

"Thank you." He hoarsely said. His voice must have dropped at least an octave. God, that was hot.

"I never took you for the marrying type." Sam cocked an eyebrow up.

"Like I said, very big if. Besides, I'm glad it didn't work out. I wouldn't be here now, would I?"

Bucky nodded, a little too excited.

"Ok, keep going." Sam motioned with his hands.

"After graduating, I managed a job at the Massachusetts General Hospital. That was when I was recruited at SHIELD."

"Wait you were recruited?" Bucky asked. I love the man as much as the next person but sometimes he really doesn't use that brain of his.

"Well, you can't exactly apply for a secret government agency if it's a secret, can you?"

"Oh right..." he looked down in- embarrassment? That's definitely new for Bucky Barnes.

Sam just sat there, smirking at the awkward interaction. What's he smirking about? Only I can make fun of Bucky. Its tradition.

"Anyways, after a year of working in SHIELD, I got my first undercover op. That's when I met Natasha and Tony. I was sent to keep tabs on his condition as a personal assistant. Believe me when I tell you the man flirts like there's no tomorrow. I became good friends with him and Nat and after that jig was up, we kept in touch. Before I was drafted to Afghanistan, I worked at one of the helicarriers. That just so happen to be the one where the Avengers first band together and where Loki was held. I honestly felt bad for the guy."

"Wha- how could you possibly feel bad for the guy that destroyed New York?!" Sam basically screamed.

"Let her explain, Bird Man. If there's something Y/N doesn't do, its jump to conclusions." Bucky calmly replied, waving him off.

"He's right." I pointed out. "All I have is a working theory, but it explains a lot, actually."

"Please elaborate." Sam crossed his arms.

"Firstly, I was there, you were not so no need to be so salty. I actually talked to the guy and noticed something off."

"What was it?" bucky inquired, furrowing his eyebrows, and slightly tilting his head. Then, I started listing things off.

"His physical appearance—as handsome he might be— was extremely peculiar. Hair, disheveled, greasy, and overgrown. Physique, pale and seemingly malnourished. His behavior changed dramatically multiple times. When I talked to him in the helicarrier, that wasn't the same man in Germany. He was calmer, maybe even tired. I also noticed his eyes changed color along with his demeanor, pretty drastically if you ask me."

"How on earth do you know all that?" Sam asked, dumbfounded.

"It's kind of her thing, Wilson. She can read anyone like an open book with just looking at them for a few moments." Bucky proudly explained. Proudly?

Ok, this is getting a little freaky. Who is this new man and what has he done with Bucky Barnes? Although, I cant exactly complain. I guess this is the more "mentally stable" version of him. Well, if he's happy, so am I.

"It's a gift. One I used more often than you might think working for SHIELD." I added, breaking from my little trance.

"So, what does all that tell you?" Sam inquired again, referring to the Loki thing.

"Well, my best guess is that he was captured, tortured, and brain-controlled."

"...What?" Sam's face showed genuine confusion and I can't say I blame him; it sounded insane at first to me to. Bucky just slowly nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. It doesn't really matter now, does it? I heard the flirt died fighting against that ugly grape-man."


"-Grape-Man?" they simultaneously said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Is there any guy that won't flirt with you?" Bucky cringed.

"Sam isn't flirting." I pointed out.

"Not yet. You are pretty interesting." He smirked. I know what you're trying to do. Oh, it's on, Wilson.

"Did you just call me pretty, Wilson?" I bat my eyelashes at him.


"Is this you shooting your shot?"

"Ugh, shoot me instead, please." Bucky whined with a horrified expression on his face. I couldn't help but giggle. Giggle? What the hell is wrong with me?

As soon as I realized the sound that came out of my mouth, I shut up quickly.

"Well, if you wont do it soon, somebody else will, Metallica." Sam argued. He was right, though.

"What- I'm not gonna- ptff. Me? Never!"

"Ouch Barnes." I sarcastically said. Deep down I wish he was just kidding. He's kidding right?

"Well I didn't mean it like that- its just-"

"Too late Barnes, there's no coming back from that one." Sam said with an annoyed voice.

"Well, if we go back to the real point of this conversation," I eyed the bickering men "I reconnected with Bruce, met Steve, Thor, and Clint, and helped them out a little during Loki's attack. We stayed in touch after that. Dinners, outings, movie and poker nights." I smiled, remembering those good times.

"How come you weren't in the news or something?"

"I had another undercover op after that and it wouldn't have worked out if my face was in every tabloid along with the avengers."

"Wow. I guess you really learn something new every day."

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