Chapter 23: Level 10

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(this is your former cat suit from when you worked with SHIELD, i do not own this magnificent piece of art, credits to the rightful artist, change it if you want i just saw this on pinterest and it looked really cute, this is your story after all)

Y/N's POV:

"I have a question." Bucky stated. I looked at him.

"Fire away." What will he ask me?

"Will you... be my girlfriend? Like, the whole package; holding hands, going on dates, being all cheesy? I want that. But only with you." His eyes were hopeful.

He really means well.

I was speechless. Did he really ask me to be his girlfriend? Am I dreaming?

"I- I- Yes." I smiled.

"Yes?" He smiled back.

"Yes!" I confirmed.

"Finally!!" another voice spoke.

"Sam? Since when were you listening?" I asked.

"Hey! You used my name! And, since something about strawberry ice cream I don't know."

We laughed. Sam sat in front of us.

"You finally mustered up enough courage to ask her. Zemo owes me ten bucks!!"

"You bet on us? How did you know?" Bucky asked.

"Oh please, I'm not blind, Barnes. It took ya long enough." He rolled his eyes.

"He's kinda got a point there, Buck."

"I just wanted the right moment! Can't exactly do it while people are shooting us or trying to blow us up, can I?" he defended.

"Touché." I acknowledged.

"Hey, there's something else I want to talk to you about." Bucky said pressing his lips together and smiling.

"That is?" I smiled back.

"When we were talking with Selby you said we pulled you out of retirement. Was that for show or did you really retire?"

My smile faded into a lopsided smirk.

"Well, you'd be surprised to know that I did, in fact, retire. Although, you can't really retire when you need to cover your ass because some super-agency's hunting you down like the purge."

"SHIELD is hunting you down?" Sam asked dumbfounded.

"Yes they are. A serious pain in the rear end, really." I nodded slowly.

"Ok, but why?"

"I...ya know that's umm classified...." I avoided answering.

They both raised they're eyebrows. It is classified. But I need them to trust me. Besides, I don't work with SHIELD anymore.

"Ok, ok." I raised my arms, giving up. I sighed. "I was a level ten agent."

I waited for the bomb to explode. They just stared at me in silence.

"That's not possible." Sam said calmly. Bucky stayed deep in thought. I shrugged.

"Wait, wait. It actually makes sense." Bucky said, although it sounded more like a question then a statement.

"Bingo, bullseye, right in the money!" I joked.


"I've spent too much time on the internet, never mind." I waved it off.

"But- not even Natasha was level ten. She and Clint were level 7."

"Natasha joined SHIELD in 2009, I joined a little earlier. But, when you're level ten, you cant just quit. Not in SHIELD. And what did I do?"

"You quit." Sam said.


"You disappeared off the face of the earth with access to every secret SHIELD and the government have." Bucky finished, proudly.

"Precisely" I smirked.

Sam looked like his brain was glitching. I was holding back a laugh.

"So that's why those guys were after you. And that's how we got away every time." So he tied two and two together.

"Yep. And that's still not the half of it."

"You have more secrets?!" Sam basically exclaimed.

"Dude, my secrets have secrets. Do actually think I'm telling you the whole story? I already told you too much. The less you know the better." I roughly told him.


"Because until I can make sure some particularly bad people are dead, the last thing we need is them hot on our trail while dealing Karli and her cult or whatever."

"Ok. Anything else I can know? Do you have a secret daughter or something?"

My face went pale.

Oh. Shit.

A/N: Sorry for the shorter chapter but i think theres a lot of information on this and i didint want to make your brains glitch (like Sam's) lmao until next time my lovelies!

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