Chapter 25: Daughter?

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Previously on Winter's Children, Chapter 23:

"Ok. Anything else I can know? Do you have a secret daughter or something?"

My face went pale.

Oh. Shit.

Y/N's POV:

One of the things Natasha taught me was to keep an unreadable face. Not my normal mad face I usually make with strangers, but an unreadable one. She was a master at that, really.

And she was right. As usual, of course. Because the moment I let go of my unreadable face, shit happens. It was all going fine. I knew he said it joking but it caught me seriously off-guard.

Now I have to explain everything. And I thought the interrogation was over.

Apparently my uneasy silence gave Sam his answer since Bucky knew.

"Wait—seriously? Shoot, that was sopoused to be a joke." He scratched his neck.

"I...I have been told by numerous people that I have trust issues. Especially with new people. It's already too late but—I need you to understand that no one can know. Not yet. Not before this is all over. Please." I begged.

"So, to be clear, you do have a daughter?" he leaned forward.

"Technically, it's not her daughter." Bucky joined.

"You knew?" Sam asked, evidently surprised.

"He wasn't sopoused to." I answer for him.

"That's right. I was just in the right place, at the right time." Bucky nodded slowly.

"No. Don't you mean in the wrong place at the wrong time?" I countered.

"Nope. She was the nicest and cutest kid I've ever met." He nodded again, this time referring "no".

"She was four the last time you saw her. She's six now." I sadly smiled.

"She blipped." Sam realized.

I nodded.

"What's her name?"

"Jaia." I genuinely smiled.

"Her mother...?"

"The same accident—when I lost my arm. Both her parents. We all got shipped out." I gulped and nodded.

"I'm sorry."

"Thank you."

"I'm gonna try and get some shuteye before we land. Goodnight." Sam stood up and went to the other side of the jet were Zemo fell asleep.

"I cant wait to see her again." Bucky smiled and took my hand into his again. "Do you think she'll remember me?" he hopefully asked.

"She talks about you all the time. Always asking when Bucky's coming back home."


"Yep. I'm pretty sure that kid loves you more than she loves me." I joked.

"Nahh. Biologically or not, you're her mother, and she knows that. She loves you." His eyes were full of love—wait what?

It's been so long since been looked at like that—with love. I forgot what that felt like.

"I just wish she got to see her baby girl grow up, you know? To this day, i still carry her dog tags. We would do it before each assignment. Now, she's buried with mine..." My eyes getting glossy. I looked down trying to avoid Bucky's gaze.

He let go of my hand for a brief moment before putting that arm around me and allowing me to lean into him. Our fingers interlocked again.

It was comforting.

I felt comforted.

We stayed like that for a little bit. In silence.

Another thing I've learned over the years, it's that sometimes the best words of comfort you can give, are the ones not spoken, but shown.

A simple hand hold, a tight meaningful hug, or even a gentle hand to the shoulder can say more than a thousand words.

But I decided to break the silence. Get a grip Y/N.

I smirked and started speaking.

"So... how's T'Challa?"


Hi. I know that i've been publishing shorter chapters recently but trust me its gonna get better and longer and the action is coming soon!! 

Third time publishing in a row! I feel so proud of myself.

Winter's Children /// Bucky B x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now